AMCS home page > Library and Archives index > AMCS disk archives
D001 November 2000 trip of Proyecto Espeleológico Sierra Oxmolón, Eddie Yonemoto's photos, with caption file
D002 AMCS Bulletin 10, Caves of the Golondrinas Area, original material from authors except Golondrinas foldout map
D003 AMCS Bulletin 10, archive of all files for the original offset printing (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D004 printer's files for original offset printing of Bulletin 10 text pages
D005 printers files for cover of original offset printing of Bulletin 10
D006 files of foldout map of Sótano de las Golondrinas for original printing of Bulletin 10 (.xar, .ai, .cmx, .eps, .wmf)
D007 Bulletin 10, files of digital press reprint (not including foldout map) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D008 .pdf and .tiff versions of the Sótano de las Golondrinas foldout map for Bulletin 10
D009 Dave Bunnell's photos of Sótano de las Golondrinas considered for Bulletin 10 (disk 1 of 2)
D010 Dave Bunnell's photos of Sótano de las Golondrinas considered for Bulletin 10 (disk 2 of 2)
D011 files for digital reprint of Mexican edition of Stone and am Ende's Beyond the Deep, Más Profunda que el Abismo
D012 AMCS Bulletin 11, Cave Hydrology of the Caribbean Yucatan Coast, final archive backup (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D013 printer's disk, AMCS Bulletin 11, text pages PDF, cover in various formats
D014 AMCS Bulletin 11, PDF version of cover
D015 AMCS Bulletin 11, original material from author, including potential cover photos (layout PDF missing a font; see D016)
D016 AMCS Bulletin 11, PDF file of author's original layout including font missing from D015
D017 DEPTHX project photos by Stone Aerospace/José Soriano (disk 1 of 3)
D018 DEPTHX project photos by Stone Aerospace/José Soriano (disk 2 of 3)
D019 DEPTHX project photos by Stone Aerospace/José Soriano (disk 3 of 3)
D020 original version of AMCS Bulletin 12, author's dissertation format
D021 AMCS Bulletin 12, Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico, final archive backup (does not contain PDF files or cover) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D022 Bulletin 12 files sent to printer (Pagemaker files, Photoshop cover; missing two figures)
D023 AMCS Bulletin 12, Pagemaker files for errata sheet due to printer's error (had limited use until corrected version received from printer)
D024 Bulletin 12, PDF files for text pages and cover (March 2010) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D025 AMCS Bulletin 13, base map for topo of Conrado Castillo area
D026 Bulletin 13, scans of photographs in original
D027 Bulletin 13, TIFF files of two foldout plates
D028 Bulletin 13, raw scans of original figures
D029 Bulletin 13 cover (RGB, .PSD files)
D030 Bulletin 13 cover (CMYK)
D031 AMCS Bulletin 13, Geologic Studies in the Purificación Karst, final archive backup (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D032 Bulletin 13 PDF files (made March 2010) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D033 PDF file: Systematic Revision of the Troglomorphic North American Scorpion Family Typhlochacitdae (Scorpiones: Chactoidea), by Vignoli and Prendini. Bulletin number 326 of the American Museum of Natural History
D034 cave photos by Peter Sprouse for Bulletin 10: caves in the vicinity of La Brecha de Tanzozob, SLP, November 2001.
D035 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 1 of 9)
D036 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 2 of 9)
D037 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 3 of 9)
D038 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 4 of 9)
D039 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 5 of 9)
D040 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 6 of 9)
D041 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 7 of 9)
D042 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 9 of 9)
D043 Bulletin 14: scans by Derek Ford of photo plates in the original disseration (disk 9 of 9)
D044 Bulletin 14: disk sent to printer (no foldouts)
D045 Bulletin 14, Karst Hydrogeology of the Sierra de El Abra, Mexico, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D046 Bulletin 14: PDF files, including foldouts, made March 2010 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D047 Bulletin 14 cover
D048 El Abra photos from Peter Sprouse for possible use in Bulletin 14 (disk 1 of 2)
D049 El Abra photos from Peter Sprouse for possible use in Bulletin 14 (disk 2 of 2)
D050 PDF files of original dissertation version of AMCS Bulletin 15
D051 AMCS Bulletin 15, Adaptations to Cave Life in Decapods from Oaxaca, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D052 AMCS Bulletin 16, Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Sibun Valley, Belize, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D053 Bulletin 16 original material from author, including PDF of original dissertation (disk 1 of 3)
D054 Bulletin 16 original material from author (disk 2 of 3)
D055 Bulletin 16 original material from author
D056 Bulletin 17 original material from author: figures, text file in English and Spanish, author's layout in Word
D057 AMCS Bulletin 17, Lava Tubes of the Suchiooc Volcano, Mexico, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D058 Bulletin 18, PDF files of original thesis
D059 AMCS Bulletin 18, Modeling the Groundwater Catchment of the Sian Ka'an Reserve, Quintana Roo, final archive disk 1 of 2 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D060 AMCS Bulletin 18, Modeling the Groundwater Catchment of the Sian Ka'an Reserve, Quintana Roo, final archive disk 2 of 2 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D061 Bulletin 18 DVD appendix files (material not part of the printed book)
D062 Bulletin 18 Word (.doc) files of original thesis
D063 Bulletin 19 material received from Ken Grimes
D063 Bulletin 19 PDF versions prepared for UIS Commission on Vulcanospeleology web site
D064 Bulletin 19 duplication master for material included in the CD in the book (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D065 Bulletin 19 image for printing CD label
D066 Bulletin 19: program and abstracts for the X symposium in Iceland
D067 Bulletin 19: material from Ken Grimes, including 2006 update to 2002 paper and supplemental stuff
D069 AMCS Bulletin 19, Proceedings of the X, XI, and XII International Symposia on Vulcanospeleology, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D070 Bulletin 19 original material on XII symposium received from Ramón Espinasa
D071 Bulletin 20 original material received from James Brady
D072 AMCS Bulletin 20, Exploring Highland Maya Ritual Cave Use: Archaeology and Ethnography in Huehuetanango, Guatemala, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D073 Reprint 6, Balankanche, Throne of the Tiger Priest, archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D074 Reprint 6 copy of disk sent to the printer
D075 Reprint 6 image files for paper labels on CD included in book
D076 Reprint 6 audio CD duplication master (copy stored elsewhere)
D077 Reprint 6 MP3 files from vinyl record in original publication
D078 Reprint 7, Hill-Caves of Yucatan, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D079 Reprint 7 illustrations and captions for Jim Brady's new foreword
D080 "When Teams Fail" talk given at 2010 Texas Speleological Association convention by Sheryl Bishop, PowerPoint and PDF of slides (concerns 1994 Huautla expedition), plus PDF of published paper "Team Dynamics of the Huautla Cave Diving Expedition: A Case Study," by Sheryl Bishop et al, 1999.
D081 AMCS Reprints 8 and 9 (Cenotes of Yucatan and Fauna of the Caves of Yucatan) final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D082 Reprints 8 and 9 raw scans from originals
D083 AMCS Bulletin 8 Further Studies of the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico and Adjacent Regions (= Texas Memorial Museum Bulletin 28) archive disk for facsimile reprint (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D084 Association for Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter vols 1-5, archive for CD reprint (disk 1 of 2) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D085 Association for Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter vols 1-5, archive for CD reprint (disk 2 of 2) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D086 Association for Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter vols 1-5, duplication master for CD reprint (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D087 AMCS Reprints 4 and 5 (Las Cavernas de Cerro Grande, Las Cavernas de la Sierra Gorda) CD reprint duplication master (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D088 AMCS Reprints 4 and 5 CD reprint archive disk 1 of 2
D089 AMCS Reprints 4 and 5 CD reprint archive disk 2 of 3
D090 AMCS Bulletin 9 scans from original thesis. This disk is unreadable. It was probably recorded in a non-ISO format.
D091 AMCS Bulletin 9, Hydrogeology of the Sistema Huautla Karst Groundwater Basin, archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D092 AMCS Bulletin 9, Xara (.xar) and TIFF files of computer-drafted foldouts
D093 Bulletin 9, PDF files of parts and whole, March 2010 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D094 AMCS Activities Newsletter 23 scans and PDF files made April 2010 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D095 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24, final archive disk (no data about the foldouts) (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D096 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24, regular pages printer's disk (PageMaker files and graphics)
D097 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24, original file for the Pit in Dos Ojos foldout from author, Illustrator 8
D098 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24, original files for Cueva de Villa Luz foldout map from cartographer, Illustrator, PDF, and something else
D099 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24, original file for Rancho La Azufrosa foldout from author, Illustrator file
D100 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24, Rancho La Azufrosa article original material from author
D101 AMCS Activities Newsletter 24 new files April 2010: PDFs and TIFFs of foldouts and cover (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D102 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25 archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D103 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25 PDF files made March 2010 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D104 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25 original material for Tabasco 2001 article
D105 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25, scans of Carlos Lazcano's Naica crystal cave slides
D106 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25, Cerro Rabón photos
D107 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25, original file for Ox Bel Ha foldout, Illustrator
D108 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25 LIDAR scan images, Rancho La Azufosa Cueva Cuarteles
D109 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25 photos from Peter Sprose for Black Hole of Coahuila and Infiernillo accident articles
D110 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25, original material for blind fish article
D111 AMCS Reprint 10, Cave Papers of Federico Bonet, archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D112 AMCS Activities Newsletter 25, original material for Sierra Oxmolón article
D113 AMCS Reprint 11, Mexican Field Trip Guidebooks from the 15th ICS, archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D114 Rerpint 11, material received from Tom Rea
D115 AMCS e-mail list messages 2005-2009, .TXT or .RTF files
D116 Death Coral Caver 14, InDesign and PDF files
D117 Tlamaqui e-mail list May 2010, mailbox archive and RTF
D118 AMCS Bulletin 21, Karst Hydrology and Speleogenesis of Sistema Zacatón, archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D119 AMCS Bulletin 21, PDF file of original dissertation (.doc file is on archive disk D118)
D120 Huautla video by Jay Arnold, original digital converstion received from Bill Steele, video DVD
D121 Huautla video, edited version video DVD files by Mike Purliese (not sure whether this disk has the header necessary for playing on ordinary TV players)
D122 EspeleoCoahuila 2008 photos by Mike Pugliese
D123 J2 rebreather training in Austin, Texas, October 2008 photos and videos by Bill Stone, José Morales, and Marcin Gala (as ZIP files); see also D131
D124 J2 2009 expedition photos by Mike Pugliese, 1000-pixel versions
D125 J2 2009 expedition photos by Mike Pugliese, 3500-pixel versions (disk 1 of 2)
D126 J2 2009 expedition photos by Mike Pugliese, 3500-pixel versions (disk 2 of 2)
D127 J2 2009 expedition photos by Bill Stone (worst ones omitted), David Ochel, Will Heltsley, and Tony Dwyer and Michael Denneborg
D128 J2 2009 expedition photos by Kasia Biernacka and Marcin Gala, Matt Covington, Petr Caslavsky, Seth Spoelman, Paulina Olinkiewicz, and Stone's "best of 2009" selection"
D129 J2 2009 expedition photos by Marcin Gala and Kasia Biernacka, 1024-pixel versions
D130 J2 2010 expedition photos by Marcin Gala and Kasia Biernacka and Omar Hernánez
D131 J2 rebreather training in Austin, Texas, October 2008 photos and videos by Fofo Gonzales, Mark Stover, Matt Covington, Vickie Siegel, and Yuri Schwartz (as ZIP files); see also D123
D132 Gustavo Vela photographs: El Santito 2009 expedition, GSAB 2010 expedition, Río Petlapa reconnaissance 2010
D133 AMCS Activities Newsletter 33, disk received from Ricardo Arias with photos of La Lucha and Monte Negro caves
D134 AMCS Activities Newsletter 33 archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D135 Mike Pugliese's video on Múzquiz, Coahuila, trip February 2010, MP4 file
D136 Speleological Survey of Mexico's First Report on the Caves of Mexico (1963) archive of scans, layout, and PDF
D137 gallery of Naica crystals photos from Web:
D138 Robin Gary's 2005 thesis Anthropogenic Activities and Karst Landscapes: A Case Study of the Deep, Thermal, Sulfuric Karst System in Tamaulipas, Mexico. The University of Texas at Austin. PDF and Word (.doc) files.
D139 June 2008 trip to Chihuahua's "desert cenote" El Hundido, Mpo. Jiménez, disk 1 of 2. Photos by Alejandro Benavente, Barbara Luke, Bev Shade, and Geoff Hoese.
D140 June 2008 trip to Chihuahua's "desert cenote" El Hundido, Mpo. Jiménez, disk 2 of 2. Photos by John Middleton, Peter Sprouse, Stephen Bryant.
D141 Powerpoint presentations by Mark Minton: Purificación area, Tamaulipas and Nuevo León Christmas 2003 (77 slides), Christmas 2004 (113 slides), Christmas 2005 (141 slides); Deep Caving in Oaxaca (138 slides).
D142 J2, Oaxaca, 2005 expedition: topo map with caves superimposed (.ai), slide show in both .ppt and folder of separate images, J2 area 3-D diagram (.wrl).
D143 DEPTHX 2005 drop-sonde prototype project. DEPTHX Zacatón raw point-cloud data movies.
D144 duplicates of the material on D142 and D143
D145 backups of material for publication of Robin Gary's MS thesis as AMCS Bulletin, which was never done. Includes figures and tables extracted from the original PDF.
D146 files for Matacanes Canyon article, Texas Caver September 2002 48(4)10-14. Photos, text file, map of Cueva de Matacanes no. 1, Nuevo León (Xara .web file, TIFF files exported 6/2010).
D147 PDF files of scans of two classic Mexican travel books: Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in the Year 1826, by F. G. Lyon, and Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico, by W. Bullock (1824).
D148 Dave Bunnell's photos in La Puente, San Luis Potosí (long sodastraws)
D149 Gustavo Vela photos from GSAB 2006 expedition: surface photos.
D150 raw scans by Orion Knox of Gustavo Vela photos from GSAB 2006 expedtion: underground photos on film. Disk 1 of 2.
D151 raw scans by Orion Knox of Gustavo Vela photos from GSAB 2006 expedtion: underground photos on film. Disk 2 of 2.
D152 scans of Gustavo Vela photos from GSAB expedition: underground photos on film. Disk 1 of 2.
D153 scans of Gustavo Vela photos from GSAB expedition: underground photos on film. Disk 2 of 2.
D154 Gustavo Vela photos from J2 2005 expedition, Oaxaca. CD 1 of 2. See also D156.
D155 Gustavo Vela photos from J2 2005 expedition, Oaxaca. CD 2 of 2. See also D156.
D156 Gustavo Vela photos from J2 2005 expedition, Oaxaca, on DVD. These are the same photos as on D154, 155 CDs, but files are numbered differently.
D157 15 photos selected for potential use in Activities Newsletter 28 as full-page or cover photos. both grayscale and color files.
D158 Gustavo Vela photograph of Cueva de la Mano, Guerrero, that was used as back-cover photo in Activities Newsletter 29, JPEG and EPS files.
D159 Gustavo Vela photos (4) from Puebla 2007: Akemati and Santa Cavernario.
D160 scans made here 4/05 of some Gustavo Vela photographs. GSAB 2005, Puebla, and some other things (Cuba?). Disk 1 of 2. Catalog on paper packed with disk and on archive sheet 173-09.
D161 scans made here 4/05 of some Gustavo Vela photographs. GSAB 2005, Puebla, and some other things (Cuba?). Disk 2 of 2. Catalog on paper packed with disk and on archive sheet 173-09.
D162 copies of AMCS web site: 11/9/09, 1/18/10, 5/11/10, 7/6/10.
D163 Tlamaqui e-mail list archives, April, June, July, August 2010. .mbox and .rtf files
D164 PDF file of Kur number 1 (La Venta magazine)
D165 Activities Newsletter 26 final archive disk. Does not contain PDF files. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D166 Activities Newsletter 26 PDF files made September 2008. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D167 Activities Newsletter 26, copy of printer's disk: PageMaker files, graphics, fonts.
D168 Activities Newsletter 26, photos from Orion Knox of Bustamante, Nuevo León, and Actun Kaua, Yucatán, disk 1 of 3. Thumbnails and captions of Bustamante photos are on archive sheets 0190-5,6.
D169 Activities Newsletter 26, photos from Orion Knox of Bustamante, Nuevo León, and Actun Kaua, Yucatán, disk 2 of 3. Thumbnails and captions of Bustamante photos are on archive sheets 0190-5,6.
D170 Activities Newsletter 26, photos from Orion Knox of Bustamante, Nuevo León, and Actun Kaua, Yucatán, disk 3 of 3. Thumbnails and captions of Bustamante photos are on archive sheets 0190-5,6.
D171 Activities Newsletter 26, material from Jean Krejca for La Campana article (Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila)
D172 Activities Newsletter 26, material from Jean Krejca for blindcat article (Sótano de Amezcua, Coahuila)
D173 Activities Newsletter 26, material received from Pat Kambesis for the article on the Nacimiento del Río Uruapan (=Uluapan), Oaxaca.
D174 Activities Newsletter 27, archive disk part 1, includes PDF files (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D175 Activities Newsletter 27, archive disk part 2 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D176 Activities Newsletter 27, printer's disk (Pagemaker files, graphics, fonts, no PDF files)
D177 Mexpé 2002 expedition photos by Gustavo Vela, disk 1 of 2, images 1-13. hi-res scans ~3500x5300 TIFF files. See paper archive 0200-05 for black-and-white thumbnails and caption info.
D178 Mexpé 2002 expedition photos by Gustavo Vela, disk 2 of 2, images 14-24. hi-res scans ~3500x5300 TIFF files. See paper archive 0200-05 for black-and-white thumbnails and caption info.
D179 material from Al Warild's web site 9/2010: .webarchive files of Mexico expedition slide shows; 3-D PDF of Akemati/Akemabis area, Puebla.
D180 photo slideshows from, Mexpé 2009, Mexpé 2007, .webarchive files 9/2010.
D181 PDF files of reports on Chiapas expedition by Explorations Karstiques Sud-Américaines (French) 2002, 2003, 2004-5, 2008 downloaded from
D182 AMCS Activities Newsletter 28, archive disk 1 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D183 AMCS Activities Newsletter 28, archive disk 2 (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D184 AMCS Activities Newsletter 28, PDF file of regular text pages with photo contrast restored (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D185 Activities Newsletter 28, original submitted material for "Coahuila Caving" article.
D186 Activities Newsletter 28, original submitted material for "Caves, Rivers, and Scorpions, . . ." article.
D187 Activities Newsletter 28. Original material disk for article Xilitla 2004.
D188 Activities Newsletter 28. Jade Pearl Exploration Project, Ox Bel Ha, 2003, source material for article. Includes expedition report, dive logs, and photo gallery.
D189 Activities Newsletter 28. Jade Pearl Exploration Project, Ox Bel Ha, 2003, source material for article: hi-res versions of selected photos.
D190 Activities Newsletter 28. Backup of folder for Jade Pearl Exploration Project Expedition, Ox Bel Ha, 2003, article. Serves as backup for much of the material on disks D188, D189.
D191 Activities Newsletter 28. Original material disk from author of article Tecomán 2004-2005.
D192 Activities Newsletter 28. Original TIFF file for map of Cueva Sinalosa, Nuevo León.
D193 Activities Newsletter 28. Original photos submitted on disk for Caves of Tabasco article.
D194 Activities Newsletter 28. Photographs of Cuetzalan trip by British cavers, sent by Chris Howes, Descent editor. Includes photos printed in neither Descent nor AMCS. Some photos have both B&W and color files.
D195 PDF files of Kur magazine (La Venta group, Italy) issues 1-11, with technical supplements.
D196 Activities Newsletter 28. original material from Dominique Rissolo for Tancah Cave article, Quintana Roo.
D197 Speleo 2011 Weekly Engagement Calendar, by Kasia Biernacka and Marcin Gala. PDF file. Calendar has weekly photos, many from Mexico: Pool Tunich, Quintana Roo; J2, Last Bash, Tres Amigos, Oaxaca; Akemabis, Puebla. Printed copy is in the AMCS library.
D198 Activities Newsletter 28. files for Gustavo Vela's slides scanned by AMCS for Cerro Verde article. Includes some photos of other things, includes GSAB expedition 2005. List packed with disk and also paper archive 0218-16.
D199 Activities Newsletter 28. scans of old Tlamaya, San Luis Potosí, photos from 1966 trip by Sam Young, used a fillers. Caption info in paper file 0224-06.
D200 scans of PEP (Proyecto Espeleológico Purificación) survey books, 1 of 3, books 1-24, made October 2010 by Bev Shade
D201 scans of PEP (Proyecto Espeleológico Purificación) survey books, 3 of 3, books 41-64, made October 2010 by Bev Shade
D202 scans of PEP (Proyecto Espeleológico Purificación) survey books, 2 of 3, books 25-40, made October 2010 by Bev Shade
D203 program on Cave of the Crystals, Naica, Chihuahua. 53 images, including some intro views of gypsum elsewhere, maps, and photos of the room. Assembled by Bill Mixon, 2007.
D204 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition photo disk (1 of 3, phases 1 and 3). JPEG files. Captions are on D208, printed as archive 0225-03, 0225-05. (This is the official expedition distribution disk, but it cannot be mounted on most computers. See D450.)
D205 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition photo disk (2 of 3, phase 2). JPEG files. Captions are on D208, printed as archive 0225-04. (This is the official expedition distribution disk, but it will not mount on any computer we've tried.) Photos from another copy are on D460.
D206 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition photo disk (3 of 3, sponsor extras). JPEG files. Captions are on D208, printed as archive 0225-06. (This is the official expedition distribution disk, but it cannot be mounted on most computers. See D451.)
D207 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition website. Includes maps in both web and original form, summary report for sponsors, etc.
D208 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition, photo captions for D204-206 in RTF and DOC files. These were assembled by copying from the captions on photos on website disk D207.
D209 PDF reprints on CD of Activities Newsletters 1-10: duplication master CD. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D210 PDF reprints on CD of Activities Newsletters 1-10: archive disk 1 of 3. duplicate stores elsewhere.
D211 PDF reprints on CD of Activities Newsletters 1-10: archive disk 2 of 3. duplicate stores elsewhere.
D212 PDF reprints on CD of Activities Newsletters 1-10: archive disk 3 of 3. duplicate stores elsewhere.
D213 PDF reprints on CD of Activities Newsletters 1-10: CD label file.
D214 Activities Newsletter 29 final archive disk 1 of 2. duplicate stored elsewhere
D215 Activities Newsletter 29 final archive disk 2 of 2. Note that the PDF files on this disk have defective grayscale. See D216. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D216 Activities Newsletter 29 PDF file of text pages, with grayscale of graphics adjusted October 2010. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D217 Activities Newsletter 29. original material disk from Tony Akers for article Some Pits in Northern Oaxaca.
D218 Activities Newsletter 29. original material disk for Culebra artcle
D219 Activities Newsletter 29. original material disk for Tabasco article
D220 J2 miscellaneous archive: folders 2006 J2 Brochure; Cheve 2004-2005 Survey scans; Cheve 3D (WALLS); J2 2005 expedition presentation (PowerPoint); J2 2005 photos; Report on 2005 J2 Expedition; Sistema Cheve Computer Data (WALLS) 2005), Topo and logistics maps 2006; WALLS program December 2005 version; plus PROJECT.wrl file. Detailed printed list of files in on paper archive item 0235-12.
D221 Activities Newsletter 29. original material disk for Gómez Farías article.
D222 Mexico state road maps by the Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes, 2008, PDF files downloaded from web.
D223 INEGI 1:250000 series topo maps of all of Mexico, TIFF files assembled from D224-D227. Also, TIFF file of index map to those topos. Also, TXT file database of 150,000+ Mexican place names (from USGS?)
D224 INEGI 1:250000 series topographic maps, disk 1 of 4. D224-D227 are copies of the disks from INEGI. They contain both TIFF and GIF versions of the maps, plus short .gfw, .txt, and .tfw files. About 30 of the 121 maps appear on more than one of the disks.
D225 INEGI 1:250000 series topographic maps, disk 2 of 4. See D224.
D226 INEGI 1:250000 series topographic maps, disk 3 of 4. See D224. A scan of the index map for these maps has been added to this disk.
D227 INEGI 1:250000 series topographic maps, disk 4 of 4. See D224.
D228 Actitivies Newsletter 29. photos for High Desert Caving article (Coahuila). Caption info and thumbnails are on paper 0238-04.
D229 Activities Newsletter 29. original material disk for Villa Luz fish article.
D230 Activities Newsletter 29. source disk for Bustamante article photos, 1 of 2. Rune Burnett's photos. thumbnails and caption info on paper 0239-03.
D231 Activities Newsletter 29. source disk for Bustamante article photos, 2 of 2. Orion and Jan Knox photos. thumbnails and caption info on paper 0239-03.
D232 Activities Newsletter 30. Final archive disk, 1 of 2. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D233 Activities Newsletter 30. Final archive disk, 2 of 2. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D234 Activities Newsletter 30. Original file for back cover photo: Cueve de las Golondrinas, La Solidad, San Luis Potosí.
D235 Activities Newsletter 30. Original material for Cueva Charco, Oaxaca, article: text, some photos (thumbnails and captions 0244-03), map.
D236 Activities Newsletter 30. Additional photos for Cueva Charco, Oaxaca, article (thumbnails and captions 0244-03).
D237 Activities Newsletter 30. Original material for Soplo de Los Toros, Nuevo León, article (photo thumbnails 0244-05).
D238 Activities Newsletter 30. Original material for Tabasco 2007 article. Photo thumbnails and captions 0245-02. More photos on D239.
D239 Activities Newsletter 30. More photos for Tabasco 2007 article, plus PDF file of area map. Thumbnails and captions 0245-02.
D240 Activities Newsletter 30. Original material for Sierra La Gavia, Coahuila, article
D241 Activities Newsletter 30. Original material disk for article Mapping Chikin Ha with a Passive Fluxgate Magnetometer. Quintana Roo
D242 Activities Newsletter 30. original source for article Sian Ka'an Exploration Expedition. Quintana Roo. PDF file of full expedition report: Ox Bel Ha Water Protection Project: Sian Ka'an Exploration Expedition, November 2005–June 2006. Final repot to The Nature Conservancy, by Sam Meacham. 210 pp.
D243 Activities Newsletter 30. original material disk for article The Caves of Cuatro Ciénegas, including TIFF files of all maps (Coahuila)
D244 Activities Newsletter 30. Yax Muul article (Quintana Roo), original material: selected photos, captions, cave map
D245 Activities Newsletter 30. Additional photos of Yax Muul; no captions.
D246 Activities Newsletter 30. Additional photos of Yax Muul; no captions.
D247 Activities Newsletter 30. Material from Donna and Simon Richards re Yaxchen and Ox Bel Ha, Quintana Roo. Contains numerous 2005 illustrated trip reports, PowerPoint show on the hydrogeology of the area, etc.
D248 Proceedings of the 2009 (IX) Congresso Nacional Mexicana de Espeleología, in Tabasco, PDF file assembled from files at
D249 Activities Newsletter 31. Final archive. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D250 Activities Newsletter 31. Photo disk for Tixik K'una article. Thumbnails and caption info 0256-02.
D251 Activities Newsletter 31. original material from Mark Minton for Los Toros article, Nuevo León.
D252 Activities Newsletter 31. photo disk from Charles Fromen, Los Toros 2007 trip, Nuevo León.
D253 Activities Newsletter 31. original material disk for Huautla (Oaxaca) article by Bill Steele.
D254 Acitivites Newsletter 31. original material disk for Múzquiz (Coahuila) and Xilitla (San Luis Potosí) articles
D255 Yucatán cenote data from Advanced Diver Magazine's web site, downloaded January 2008. Read-me file on the disk is also paper archive 0265-10. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D256 US Deep Caving Team Mexico expedition reports (.webarchive files) downloaded from web December 2010: 1980 Río Iglesia, 1981 Agua de Cerro, 1984 Peña Colorada, 1994 Huautla, 2009 J2, 2010, J2. Also, Poseidon Mk6 Discovery rebreather users manual v. 2.0 PDF.
D257 Acitivites Newsletter 32. Final archive disk. duplicate stored elsewhere
D258 Activities Newsletter 32. original material disk for article on El Hundido, Chihuahua
D259 Activities Newsletter 32. Orion Knox photos of the grand opening of Grutas de Bustamante (=Gruta del Palmito), Nuevo León, as a show cave.
D260 Activities Newsletter 32. photo disk for Los Toros, Nuevo Leon article
D261 Activities Newsletter 32. photos for Akemabis 2008 expedition (Puebla) by Gustavo Vela (thumbnails 0272-06)
D262 Activities Newsletter 32. Photos from Orion Knox: 1965 Joya de Salas expedition (Tamaulipas) and Grutas de Bustamante grand opening ceremony (Nuevo León)
D263 Mike Pugliese's photographs from Tabasco 2009 trip
D264 Activities Newsletter 32. photos for Tres Amigos article (Oaxaca)
D265 scans of miscellaneous cave maps in set sold by AMCS, TIFF files. paper maps are in file 0287; see paper archive catalog for list of maps
D266 scan of Sistema Río La Venta, Cintalapa, Chiapas, map from Speleologia 35, December 1996. Raw scans, assembled 600 DPI TIFF, assembled 400 DPI PDF.
D267 Bulletins 3-6 CD reprint 2005 duplication master (this version has no OCR). Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D268 Bulletins 3-6 CD reprint 2005 archive disk 1 of 2. Scans, etc., for Bulletins 3, 5 and 6. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D269 Bulletins 3-6 CD reprint 2005 archive disk 2 of 2. Scans, etc., for Bulletin 4. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D270 CD label file (.ec3 file) for printable CD of Bulletins 3-6.
D271 PDF file of Bulletins 3-6, OCRed, searchable version made 2/6/2011. duplicate stored elsewhere
D272 AMCS Bulletin 2 PDF reprint archive disk. raw scans, layout, PDF file. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D273 articles on 1987-88 trip to Cueva de Diamante, Tamaulipas, from B.C.C.S. Newsletter and D.C. Speleograph (PDF files and JPEGs of scans). Paper copies are in the paper archives.
D274 Tlamaqui e-mail list messages September 2010 through February 2011. .mbox and .rtf files.
D275 scans of contents of the Sierra de El Abra cave map folio published by the AMCS in 1989, cartography by Neal Morris. TIFF files made March 2011.
D276 .webarchive files of Quintana Roo project reports on Filo di Arianna dive shop web site, 4/08/2011. printouts are in folder 0301.
D277 photos from Mexpé 2007 expedition from Web site, PNG files.
D278 Espeleo Rescate México web site December 2010 (.webarchive file of Flash page), plus English translation of operations reports. Global Underwater Explorer—Mexico Cave Exploration Project web site December 2010 (Quintana Roo diving), mostly .webarchive files. DIR-Mexico web site December 2010 (Quintana Roo diving), mostly .webarchive files. web site, .webarchive files of photo galery and reports on attempt to connect The Pit in Dos Ojos and the Blue Abyss in Nohoch Nah Chich, Quintana Roo, in Polish.
D279 AMCS triptych poster 2008. Photoshop files, digital picture frame progam, etc.
D280 Activities Newsletter 34. Original material from Peter Sprouse for Tercer Ojo article. Quintana Roo.
D281 Activities Newsletter 34. Final archive disk. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D282 AMCS poster 2011, Photoshop, TIFF, PDF files.
D283 Bulletin 12, Rissolo disseration. Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico. PDF file of original version.
D284 Death Coral Caver #12, Pagemaker files for cover, regular-size inside pages; image files for foldout maps.
D285 download of entire AMCS web site, June 27, 2011
D286 AMCS triptych poster 2009. Photoshop and TIFF files
D287 AMCS reprint 9, Fauna of the Caves of Yucatan, raw scans of the book
D288 Tlamaqui e-mail list archive, June 5, 2009, to October 2, 2009. .rtf and .mbox files
D289 December 2007 Los Toros expedition, Purificación area, Nuevo León. Charles Fromen photographs
D290 December 2007 Los Toros expedition, Purificación area, Nuevo León. Charles Fromen videos
D291 PDF file of ms thesis: Responsible Development of Tulum, Mexico: Considering Water Quality and Subaqueous Cave Locations, by Heidi Hausman, 2009. AMCS library contains a black-and-white printout of this, but the PDF contains color illustrations.
D292 raw scans by Mark Minton of some Mexican publications: Base Draco 1-16 (except 13), Mundos Subterraneos 2, 3, and proceedings of the 1 Congreso Mexicana Espeleológia.
D293 PDF files of Mundos Subterraneos 1, 4, 6-8, 10-17 (1990-2006), plus IV and VIII Congreso Nacional Mexican de Espeleologia (1998 and 2007), made by Mark Minton
D294 material from web by Gustavo Vela. Illustrated PDF article in Spanish on Akemabis 2008. Illustrated PDF article in Spanish on Ocotempa 2007. Paisano 2011 report text in Spanish and English in PDF file. Paisano 2011 photo thumbnails in Flash presentation (as .webarchive file). Printouts of most of these are in paper file 0326.
D295 raw scans of AMCS log book from Condesa Restaurant, Valles. Entries from June 1979 to August 1980. Log book is archive item 0336-01.
D296 Mundos Subterráneos numbers 18-23, 2008-2012, PDF files.
D297 photos of the Cave of the Crystals, Naica, Chihuahua, received from Carlos Lazcano, 2008.
D298 1994 San Agustín Expedition (Oaxaca) slide show. Raw scans as TIFF files, scanned 2011 by Michael Pugliese, plus scanned script as PDF file. Thumbnails of photos and the script are in paper archives folder 0339. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D299 Prelude to San Agustín (Oaxaca) slide show. Raw scans as TIFF files, scanned 2011 by Bill Mixon, slides 1-50. See also 300,301.
D300 Prelude to San Agustín (Oaxaca) slide show. Raw scans as TIFF files, scanned 2011 by Bill Mixon, slides 51-100. See also 299,301.
D301 Prelude to San Agustín (Oaxaca) slide show. JPEG files of scans, plus PDF file of script. Paper script and color thumbnails of photos are in paper archives folder 0340. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D302 Sam Young's photographs from Tlamaya, San Luis Potosí, summer 1966. Raw scans, scans corrected by Michael Pugliese, caption info. Also contains PDF of trip report on that trip from AMCS Newsletter vol 2 no. 4.
D303 scans of duplicates of selected slides, November 1982 Infiernillo Cave camp trip, Tamaulipas (Sistema Purificación), plus files of color thumbnails. Printouts of thumbnails and the slides are in archive folder 0341. Photographers' names are on the slides.
D304 Jay Arnold's Huautla film, MP4 file
D305 color thumbnails of Cheve 2004 expedition photos, by date. Captions and black-and-white printouts of these are in paper files 0247, 0248.
D306 geologic maps (carta geológia-minera) by Servicio Geológico Mexicano, scale 1:250,000, PDF files with index map
D307 scans of Activities Newsletter 11, Activities Newsletter 12, and Activities Newsletter 13: raw scans and PDF files of the complete issues. January 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D308 raw scans of photos of Sótano de El Barro, Querétaro: Pete Strickland photos of initial descent trip and Don Broussard photos of subsequent visit later in 1972. Also scans of a few other El Sótano things on paper.
D309 scans of Activities Newsletter 14, Activities Newsletter 15, and Activities Newsletter 16: raw scans and PDF files of the complete issues. January 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D310 Mixon's copies of Peter Sprouse photos scanned January 2012, raw scans in JPEG format. Possibly Cueva de Tecolote, Tamaulipas, November 1984 trip, but this is uncertain, and all the photos may not be from the same time or place. Slides and color thumbnails are in paper archive folder 0360.
D311 Group Spéléo Alpin Belge (GSAB) web site accessed January 24, 2012, .webarchive files, including Google translation to English. Contains info about their Expé projects in Puebla from 1980 through 2011.
D312 scans of Activities Newsletter 17, Activities Newsletter 18, and Activities Newsletter 19: raw scans and PDF files of the complete issues. January 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D313 scans of Activities Newsletter 20, Activities Newsletter 21, and Activities Newsletter 22: raw scans and PDF files of the complete issues. January 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D314 scans and PDF files of theses on the Laguna de Sánchez area, Nuevo León: Beiträge zur Geologie und Hydrogeologie im Bereich Laguna de Sanchez/Sierra Madre Oriental/Mexiko, by Michael Denneborg (1986) and Geologie und Hydrogeologie im Bereich Laguna de Sánchez - Cola de Caballo/Sierra Madre Oriental (Mexiko), by Anreas Emonts-pohl (1986). Bound printed copies are in the AMCS library.
D315 AMCS Activities Newsletters 1-34, PDF files of complete issues, including covers and foldouts, assembled by Bill Mixon, February 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D316 report on YUC 2006 B expedition by Christian Thomas, PDF file. Color printout is in AMCS library.
D317 article The Caves of Chiapas, Southern Mexico, by Terence Whitaker, Cave Science 15(20)51-81, August 1988, raw scans and PDF file. Printout in paper archives.
D318 PDF files of articles. Printouts (in color where appropriate) are in paper archives folder 0366. Rancho San Judas Tadeo [Coahuila], April 2005, by Terri Whitfield, Texas Caver Jan-March 2008, pp. 4-7, from scan. El Volcán [Coahuila], by Peter Sprouse, NSS News, October 1997, pp. 294-296, from scan. EspeleoCoahuila 2007, by Terri Sprouse, Texas Caver Jan-Mar 2008, pp. 12-17, from scan. Caves and Mesoamerican Cultures, by Antonieta Cajas, Asociación Flaar Mesoamerican, June 2009, 15 pages, from web. San Buenaventura Caving [Coahuila], by Bev Shade and Peter Sprouse, revised from article in AMCS Activities Newsletter 28, printout from web. Pozo Chuzo, The Black Hole of Coahuila, by Jubal Grubb, previous publication unknown, from web. Sierra Del Burro Recon [Coahuila], by Peter Sprouse, previous publication unknown, from web.
D319 PDF files of articles. Black and white or color printouts are in paper archives folder 0367. Mexico Biospeleology: Thanksgiving 1998 [Sótano Amezcua, Coahuila], by Steve Taylor, from web. Cave Rituals in Oaxaca, Mexico, by Janet Fitzsimmons Steele, paper for Society of American Archaeology meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, 1997, from web. Use of Resistivity Measurements to Detect Urban Caves in Mexico City and to Assess the Related Hazard, by R. G. Antonio-Carpio, et al., from Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 4:541-547 (2004). Chiapsas '98: Chiapas Diary, by Devin Kouts, from Potomac Speleological Club web site. Genesis and Evolution of the Caves in the Naica Mine (Chihuahua, Mexico), by P. Forti, Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 10 (2008), from web. Reporte de la Gruta Madre Cristalina Valladolid, Yucatán, México, by Carlos Alugusto Evia Cervantes, 38 pp., from Peter Sprouse's web site. Reporte de la Exploración a la Cueva de El Chorro Grande, Chiapas, México, by Oscar Cabrera and Jorge Paz, Vaxakmen Grupo Espeleológico, 14 pp, from Peter Sprouse's web site.
D320 Bulletin 1, Caves of the Inter-American Highway, raw scans, and searchable PDF files, both print quality and highly compressed, February 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D321 PDF files of Mundos Subterráneos 8 (1997) and Mundos Subterráneos 9 (1998) downloaded from Karst Information Portal. Raw scans and PDF file of article Aspects Hydrogéologiques du Yucatan (Mexique), by Christian Thomas, Karstologia 34 (1999), pages 9-22. Raw scans and PDF file of article Dix Années dans les Grottes Mayas (Mexique): 100 km de Première en Siphon: Les Expéditions YUC, by Christian Thomas, Spelunca 98 (2005), pages cover, 25-42. Raw scans and PDF file of article Le Karst du Yucatán: Rȏle du Flux Géothermique, des Failles, de L'eau de Mer et des Èvaporites dans sa Genèse, by Christian Thomas, Karstologia 55 (2010) pages 1–18.
D322 Tables of long and deep caves and cave maps from Groupo Spéléo Alpin Belge web site downloaded March 15, 2012. Puebla and Oaxaca. .webarchive files
D323 PDF files from Grupo Espeleológico Ajau publications "Espeleodifusión" about caves in areas Santa Rita, Tecoh, Opichén, Homún, and Tekax, Yucatán. Printouts are in paper archives folder 0371.
D324 AMCS Bulletin 22, disk 1 of raw scans of Carlos Lazcano's photos, images 1-46, TIFF files. Location names are in a file on archive disk or in paper archives.
D325 AMCS Bulletin 22, disk 2 of raw scans of Carlos Lazcano's photos, images 47-92. TIFF files. Location names are in a file on archive disk or in paper archives.
D326 AMCS Bulletin 22, Return to the Forgotten World, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D327 Article A 2400 yr Mesoamerican rainfall reconstruction links climate and cultural change, by Matther Lachniet, et al, published on-line by Geology, 23 January 2012, PDF file 5 pp (printout 0374-07). Article Akumal—March 2011 Expedition, Canadian Caver 75, pp 4-15, 2012, PDF from scans (printout 0374-06). Article Las Cuevas de Santa Rita, by Calos Augusto Evia Cervantes, from cultural supplement Unicornio to Diario Por Esto!, 15 May 2005, p. 5-7, Yucatán, PDF from web (printout 0373-05). Article Las Grutas de Santa Rita, by Elsi Lara Villanueva, color printout from web, Yucatán (printout 0374-04). Article Els Cenotes del Yucatán (Méxic), by Jordi Lloret and Montserrat Ubach, Endins no. 19, pp. 29-36, 1993, printout 0374-04. Web articles on Mexpé 2011 expedition of the Société Québécoise de Spéléologie, Puebla, 20-page Spanish version and French version with additional 10 pages giving daily diary of the expedition, printout 0372-06. Preliminary reports Mexpé 2012 expedition (SGS), Puebla, PDF file and .webarchive file, printouts 0373-02, 0373,03. Article Ultraslow Growth of Giant Gypsum Crystals, by A. E. S. Van Driessche, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), v. 108, no. 38, p. 15721-15726 plus 8 pp. of supplementary material plus .avi video, Naica, Chihuahua (printout 0373-01).
D328 grayscale scans of most pages of Carlos Lazcano's Las Cavernas de la Sierra Gorda, volumes 1 and 2 (AMCS reprint 5), assembled into PDF files.
D329 Activities Newsletter 35, final archive disk. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D330 AMCS poster 2012, Photoshop, TIFF, PDF files. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D331 Tlamaqui e-mail list archive: .rtf and .mbox files, October 2009 to March 2010
D333 PDF file of Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monograph 7, Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America, Part V, by James Cokendolpher and James Reddell.
D334 Pagemaker files for Death Coral Cavers 9, 10, and 11. The file for 9 won't open at all. The files for 10 and 11 don't open correctly because of missing fonts. Also, 695 .srv Walls files for cave maps in Purificación area.
D335 Cheve 2003 expedition photographs, disk 1 of 3, photos 001-085, JPEG files. Oaxaca. Captions and color contact sheet PDFs are on D338. Captions also in paper file 0261-01. Duplicate (incompletely terminated, so usable only on some computers) stored elsewhere. Oaxaca
D336 Cheve 2003 expedition photographs, disk 2 of 3, photos 086-130, locals, and people Abbato through Hunter, JPEG files. Oaxaca. Captions and color contact sheet PDFs are on D338. Captions also in paper file 0261-01. Oaxaca
D337 Cheve 2003 expedition photographs, disk 3 of 3, photos people Kerr through Zambrano, sponsors 01-18, JPEG files. Includes caption file. Oaxaca. Captions and color contact sheet PDFs are on D338. Captions also in paper file 0261-01. Duplicate (incompletely terminated, so usable only on some computers) stored elsewhere. Oaxaca
D338 Cheve 2003 expedition photographs. Caption file and color contact sheets (PDF files) of photos on D335-D337. Caption file printout paper 0261-01. Oaxaca
D339 Cheve 2003 (and Charco) expedition report for Mexican government (English and Spanish), with area maps. Printouts in folder 0393. Duplicate (incompletely terminated, so usable only on some computers) stored elsewhere. Oaxaca
D340 Cheve 2004 expedition archive of reports from the field, .doc files (printouts paper folders 0345, 0346); photos (JPEG) and captions (black-and-white printout of captions with contact sheets in paper 0347 and 0348, color contact sheets on D305); miscellaneous material (brochure, expedition roster, etc. (paper copies in 0349 or 0350). Oaxaca.
D341 AMCS Bulletin 7 scans and PDF file, June 2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D342 Gary Storrick's presentation on the 1984 Peña Colorada Expedition, Oaxaca. HTML files. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D343 scans of Mexico articles in Canadian Caver 7(1) 1975. Map pages have been straightened and assembled when necessary. Printouts are in 0398 and 0399.
D344 PDF file from scans of article on Chiapas in Caves and Caving, vol. 15, no. 2, August 1988, pp. 51-81.
D345 PDF files of Kur magazine (La Venta group, Italy) issues 1-15, with technical supplements.
D346 backup of map PDF and catalog files for web site, maps 1-1004, 9/10/2012
D347 scans and PDF files, Tsaval numbers 1,4,5,6
D348 backups of AMCS web site complete, 10/3/2011, 6/4/2012, 9/10/2012. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D349 AMCS web site backup 8/2/2008.
D350 original material for bulletin 23 received from editor, except illustrations for Moyes's paper.
D351 data extracted from the Macromedia file in the La Venta book Under the Desert: cave maps, table of caves, area and geo maps, etc. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D352 data from the disk in the La Venta book Río La Venta: Treasure of Chiapas. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D353 PDF of magazine InsidEarth, vol. 4, no. 2, 1999, contains article Proyecto Cerro Rabón 1993.
D354 videos Underwater Caves of the Yucatan Peninsula, by Patricia Beddows and Simon Richards, approximately 45 minutes total. Sistemas Crustacea, Taj Mahal, Maya, and Yaxchen, Quintana Roo
D355 PDF file, paper Cave Development on the Caribbean Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico, by Peter Smart, Patricia Beddows, Jim Coke, Stefan Doer, Samantha Smith, and Fiona Whitaker, from GSA Special Paper 404, 2006, pp. 105-128. Paper copy in folder 0426.
D356 PDF file, Chiapas 2002: Report d'Expédition Spéléo dan l'etat du Chiapas, Mexique, by Cathy Frison, et al. Printout is in library of Mexico books.
D357 topo maps 1:50 000 Huautla (E14B87) and Cuicatlán (E14D17) as TIFFs various resolutions; composites with superimposed Huautla area caves (PDF) and superimposed Huauta and Cheve area caves (AI) prepared 2001 by Bill Stone
D358 blog .webarchive files, mainly about diving in Quintana Roo, dates of posts March 17, 2008, through January 31, 2010.
D359 Cave of the Crystals in Naica, Chihuahua, material from web: illlustrated blog post March 21, 2007, and illustrated article by Richard Fisher. HTM files with accompanying folders of graphics.
D360 contents of Brits' Cuetzalan, Puebla, web site downloaded October 2012. Much of this material was printed January 2005 and is in folder 0427. .webarchive files, maps, low-res photos
D361 movie on 2010 expedition to Mesas Juárez, Tamaulipas, by Ben Edelstein, .mov file.
D362 Proyecto Cheve 1986-1993 book, scans and PDF file.
D363 Bill Stone's history of Cheve exploration book (for private distribution), 2013, PDF files, etc.
D364 grayscale scans of William Russell's survey books (.zip files of TIFFS). The books themselves are archives items 0445-0451.
D365 AMCS Bulletin 23, Heart of Earth, final archive disk. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D366 backup of AMCS web site 15 February 2013
D367 PDF file of Mexican Eyeless Characin Fishes, Genuus Astyanax: Environment, Distribution, and Evolution, by Mitchell, Russell, and Elliott, 1977.
D368 draft of unpublished article Chronicle of Speleology in the Sierra de Guatemala, Tamaulipas, Mexico, by William Elliott. .docx file
D370 archive disk for AMCS Reprint 1 PDF file creation. (Mexican Caving of the Southwest Texas Grotto). raw scans, layout, etc. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D371 For Reprints 2 and 3, the folders contain everything involved in creating PDF files, including raw scans. For Reprint 3, one PDF has been OCRed. For Reprints 4 and 5, the folders just contain additional versions of the PDF file not on the archive disks for the original conversions to PDF: an assembled version of Reprint 4 and compressed and OCRed versions of both. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D372 files for cover sheet of original paper reprint of Bulletin 9
D373 correspondence between William Elliott and Richard Mitchell (mostly letters from Elliott), 1969-70. Uncompressed TIFF raw grayscale scans 3/16/2013. Originals are in folder 0458.
D374 raw scans of material in file folder or miscellaneous material from files of Richard Mitchell. Paper copies cataloged in folder 0457, except for ms on fauna of Devil's Sinkhole, Texas.
D375 photographs (slides) by Dr. Robert Mitchell, borrowed by Bill Elliott from Sharon Mitchell, scanned April 2013 by Bill Mixon. JPEG files. Disk 1 of 2: mainly Mexican field trips.
D376 photographs (slides) by Dr. Robert Mitchell, borrowed by Bill Elliott from Sharon Mitchell, scanned April 2013 by Bill Mixon. JPEG files. Disk 2 of 2: miscellaneous, includes photos of Mexican area and caves, as well as some U.S. material.
D377 program and abstracts for Astyanax conference 2013; Astyanax fish caves location data from Bill Ellliott, April 2012 (spreadsheet and Google Earth files). Also PDF files of AIM conferences 2009 and 2011.
D378 Cave Diving Group (Great Britain) Huautla expedition 2013 photos, disk 1: photos by Chris Jewel, Christian (Stenner), Christine (Wilson), Connor Roe. Names in parens inferred from participants list.
D379 Cave Diving Group (Great Britain) Huautla expedition 2013 photos, disk 2: photos by Adam (Walmsley), Ryan Baker, Kyle Baker, Elliot Stahl, Jared Habiak, Jarv(ist Moore Frost), Nick(olaus Vieira), Tom (Clayton), Tommy (Shifflett). Names in parens inferred from participants list. Also contains various Walls (?) files of survey data. See also D439, D446.
D380 Death Coral Caver magazine, numbers 1-14, 1991-2009, raw scans and PDF files. (No. 14 from original PDF.)
D381 miscellaneous scanned material from Canadian Caver, made April-May 2013 for printing paper copies of articles for archives and including maps in map collection.
D382 Elliott Stahl December 2011 photos of Cueva del Rey Condoy, Oaxaca, JPEG full-resolution files.
D383 old c. 1900 maps of Nuevo León, 1:100,000 series, plus some detail maps of Monterrey, downloaded from University of Nuevo León. URLs are in a text file on the disk. Unlocked PDFs.
D384 Bill Elliott's Astyanax International Meeting 2013 talk (PowerPoint and audio record); PDF file Cueva del Lienzo, San Luis Potosí, plan and profile map; Sótano de Jineo,Tamaulipas, miscellaneous survey date scans; black and white and grayscale scans of large maps of Cueva Chica, Sótano de Yerbaniz, and Sótano de Matapalma, all in San Luis Potosí; Sótano de Venadito, Tamaulipas, miscellaneous survey notes scans.
D385 AMCS Bulletin 24 final archive disk. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D386 raw scans of the pages that contain maps in the book Proyecto Cerro Rabón 1990-1994 made for adding the maps to map catalog (600 DPI grayscale scans in .zip file), plus compressed black-and-white .tif files of the maps.
D387 raw scans of pages that contain maps in the book Cenotes de Yucatán: Región de Vallodolid made for adding the maps to catalog (300 PDI color scans), plus .tif files of the maps
D388 AMCS triptych poster 2013, Photoshop, TIFF, PDF, etc.
D389 AMCS web maps project archive 28 July 2013, maps to 3054. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D390 AMCS Activities Newsletter 36 Mixon archive disk. Contains all material, including layout, of Mexico News, the files sent to printer for the original printing, and much of the material for articles. See also D397. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D391 16th International Congress of Speleology Proceedings (Brno, 2013), PDF files of three volumes from thumb drive given to all registrants. Also separate PDF files of the three Mexico paper extracted from volume 2. Printouts of the Mexican paper are in folder 0486.
D392 Texas Memorial Museum bulletin 27, Review of the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize, scanning project archive: raw scans, PDF files
D393 scanning project archive, Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monograph 1, Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America [I]; Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monograph 3, Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America II. raw scans and PDF files
D394 scanning project archive, Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monograph 5, Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America III; Texas Memorial Museum Speleological Monograph 6, Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America IV. raw scans and PDF files
D395 maps in Notiziario del Circolo Speleologico Romano, new series nos. 1and 2, 1986, 1987, reports on Italian Malpaso expeditions to Chiapas 1981, 1984, 1986, 1987: raw scans and TIFF bitmaps
D396 disk of Bill Elliott's cave survey data prepared for AMCS and TSS in July 2013. List of file content is paper archive 0498-01, with references to paper archive location of hardcopies where appropriate.
D397 AMCS Activities Newsletter 36, Purliese archive disk. Contains material for articles, InDesign CS6 layout files, and versions of the PDF file for the corrected reprint. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D398 Cueva Chica cave fish papers: Bridges 1940 and Breder 1942. PDF files from scans. Printouts are 0510-06 and 0510-07.
D399 scans by Mark Minton of Mundos Subterráneos number 2 and 3; Base Draco no. 1-12, 14-16 and information folders 1,2; program and abstracts I Congreso Nacional de Espeleología (1991); plus notes about missing pages, etc.
D400 InDesign CS3 and PDF files of Mundos Subterráneos number 2 and 3; Base Draco no. 1-12, 14-16 and information folders 1,2; program and abstracts I Congreso Nacional de Espeleología (1991), made from scans on D399.
D401 PowerPoint show (.ppt file) on Naica Cave of the Crystals, by Javier Trueba, Madred Scientific Films. miscellaneous photos from many sources. Chihuahua.
D402 program of about 40 photos for the Cave of the Crystals, Naica, Chihuahua. (probably duplicates D203)
D403 Huautla Project Río Iglesia 1980 expedition slide collection, TIFF files from scans made Jan 2014, plus captions (paper copy captions 0510-03)
D404 Huautla Project Río Iglesia 1980 expedition slide collection, JPEG files from scans made Jan 2014, plus captions (paper copy captions 0510-03). Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D405 San Pablo Cave and El Cayo on the Usumacinta River, Chiapas, Mexico, by Thomas Lee, Jr., and Brian Hayden, Papers of the New World Archaeological Foundation 53, 1988, 79 pp. PDF file from scans on web.
D406 Huautla project expedition 1982 slides (raw scans) TIFF and JPEG files, with PDF of script. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D407 Huautla project expedition (Agua de Cerro) 1981 slides raw scans TIFFs of images 1-50 (23 mislabeled 24, and 24 missing), PDF of captions
D408 Huautla project expedition (Agua de Cerro) 1981 slides raw scans TIFFs of images 51-101
D409 Huautla project expedition (Agua de Cerro) 1981 slides raw scans JPEGs, captions PDF. duplicate stored elsewhere.
D410 NSS webinar on Sistema Zacatón and DEPTHX, Tamaulipas, by Marcus Gary, May 7, 2012. 50 minutes, .mp4 file.
D411 survey notes of Sótano de Abernathy and Sótano de Pajaro, San Luis Potosí, 1968-9. color scans by Bill Elliott. Paper printouts in folder 0534.
D412 scans and PDF file, AMCS Cave Report Series 1, Sotanito de Ahuacatlán, by Terry Raines. duplicated stored elsewhere
D413 scans, raw and processed, of various maps of caves and area of Sierra de El Abra, San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas, made February 2014. List of files and notes about the scanning are paper archive 0535-01.
D414 scans of Dr. Mitchell's slides: These are the same scans as on disks D375, D376, but with some sorting and annotation by Bill Elliott, March 2014.
D415 1983 Huautla expedition slide collection, TIFF files of raw scans, with PDF file of captions
D416 1984 Huautla expedition slide collection, TIFF files of raw scans, disk 1 of 2
D417 1984 Huautla expedition slide collection, TIFF files of raw scans, disk 2 of 2, PDF file of captions
D418 1983 and 1984 Huautla expedition slide collections, JPEG files of raw scans, with scans and PDFs of captions. Duplicate stored elsewhere.
D419 Kur magazine issues 16-20, PDF files.
D420 Mixon's UT Grotto presentation on the AMCS, April 2014, PDF file of images and text file of notes
D421 article In Deep: The Dark and Dangerous World of Extreme Caving, by Burkhard Bilger, The New Yorker, April 21, 2014, pp. 62-75. PDF and webarchive files of web version; Printout and paper copy of magazine in paper archives folder. Manuscript for article Sistema Sac Actun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, by Patricia Kambesis and James Coke, 2014; .docx file and .jpg and .tif files for images, plus combined PDF file.
D422 Video of UT Grotto presentation by Chris Jewell on 2013 British trip to Sistema Huautla, Oaxaca, .mp4 file downloaded from YouTube. San Agustín 2013 Caving Expedition video by Mark Sims and Chris Jewell, .mp4 file downloaded from YouTube.
D423 NSS webinar Giant Crystals to Tiny Microbes: The Mineralogy and Microbiology of Naica, by Penny Boston, March 2014. 1:32 .mp4 file. Chichuahua.
D424 book Diseño de un Plan de Interpretación para la Conservación de la Cueva "Las Grutas" de Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, by María de Jesús Teniente Franco, UNAM thesis 2008 187 pp, PDF file. And book Propuesta de un Programa de Educación Ambiental Formal para la Conservación de Murciélagos, by Ma. Luisa Franco Morales, UNAM thesis 2001, 180 pp, PDF file.
D425 scans of Robert Mitchell log books of Mexico trips 1966-1974, plus four color prints from Belize
D426 2013 J2 expedition photos, etc (part). See guide file on disk or 0557-01. PowerPoint show, Basecamp Log, Vieira photos.
D427 2013 J2 expedition photos, etc (part). See guide file on disk or 0557-01. PowerPoint movies, General Images, James Brown photos, Di Batista photos.
D428 2013 J2 expedition photos, etc (part). See guide file on disk or 0557-01. Biernacka photos, Kostenius photos.
D429 2013 J2 expedition photos, etc (part). See guide file on disk or 0557-01. Movies (.mov), Berg photos.
D430 2013 J2 expedition photos, etc (part). See guide file on disk or 0557-01. Perne 3-D photos.
D431 2013 J2 expedition photos, etc (part). See guide file on disk or 0557-01. Hackley photos, Harman photos, Droms and Minton photos, Rickel photos, Fosberg photos, Sponsor Logos, Will Haul for Food. See also D439 for Elliot Stahl photos.
D432 miscellaneous items from British cave-diving expedition 2013 to Huautla (San Agustín): expedition brochure (PDF), UT Grotto presentation (PowerPoint .ppt) (see also D422), and Spanish-language expedition report (.docx). For extensive collection of photographs, see D378, D379.
D433 AMCS web site June 18, 2014, complete with maps through 3249.
D434 AMCS Activities Newsletter 37, 2014, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D435 AMCS Bulletin 25, San Agustín 2013 Expedition, final archive disk (duplicate stored elsewhere)
D436 1985 Huautla expedition slide set (Nitna Nanta), with captions. JPEG files of scans, rotated but otherwise uncorrected
D437 1985 Huautla expedition slide set (Nitna Nanta), with captions, numbers 1-80. TIFF scans, LZW compressed, but not rotated or otherwise corrected.
D438 1985 Huautla expedition slide set (Nitna Nanta), with captions, numbers 81-160. TIFF scans, LZW compressed, but not rotated or otherwise corrected.
D439 Elliot Stahl's photos of 2013 expeditions to Huautla and J2/Last Bash, downloaded from Flickr. Thumbnails and caption info are on paper 0559-01 and 0559-02.
D440 Sótano de las Golondrinas BASE-jumping video. Video DVD with some other things.
D441 1987 Huautla slide set, raw scan TIFF files, slides 1-70, with captions PDF
D442 1987 Huautla slide set, raw scan TIFF files, slides 71-134, with captions PDF
D443 1988 Huautla slide set, raw scan TIFF files, slides 1-50, with captions PDF
D444 1988 Huautla slide set, raw scan TIFF files, slides 51-108, with captions PDF
D445 1987 and 1988 Huautla slide sets, JPEG files and captions. TIFFs files are on D441-444, paper copies of captions are 0560-02 and 0560-03. Scans August 2014 by Mixon. Raw scans have been rotated to correct orientation.
D446 Stephen Eginoire's blog on the 2013 Huautla expedition: .webarchive file, .pdf, extracted graphics. Photos are low res. Eginoire's photos are not included in the expedition's photo distribution disks D378, D379.
D447 video DVD of interview by Jeannie Loving and Orion Knox of Cayetano Gomez, son of Juan Gomez Cazares, discoverer of Gruta del Palmito, Bustamante, Nuevo León. 1:48.
D448 audio CD of interview by Robert S. Sanders of Cayetano Gomez, son of Juan Gomez Cazares, discoverer of Gruta del Palmito, Bustamante, Nuevo León. Six tracks approximately 10 minutes each. Address of interviewer is on paper archive 0560-01. Album info displayed by software is false.
D449 data CD of .mp3 files of interview by Robert S. Sanders of Cayetano Gomez, son of Juan Gomez Cazares, discoverer of Gruta del Palmito, Bustamante, Nuevo León. Six tracks approximately 10 minutes each. Address of interviewer is on paper archive 0560-01. (Same data as audio CD D448.)
D450 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition photo disk (1 of 3, phases 1 and 3). JPEG files. Captions are on D208, printed as archive 0225-03, 0225-05. (This is a reburn of D204 that is in standard format.)
D451 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition photo disk (3 of 3, sponsor extras). JPEG files. Captions are on D208, printed as archive 0225-06. (This is a reburn of D206 that is in standard format.)
D452 Gerald Moni's Mexican Cave Survey database, files from diskette and converted versions as .xls, .numbers, and .pdf files. See also D455. Bound printout of database is paper archive 0579; see also 0580.
D453 video DVD of Italian group at Sótano de las Golondrinas, San Luis Potosí, including a wall climb out. 2000. Hard disk or cloud archives of disks has this as a .dmg file.
D454 Texas Caver, 1955-2013. PDF files from Karst Information Portal with corrections and additions by Bill Mixon, November 2014.
D455 (1)Paper Hydrogeology of Northern Sierra de Chiapas: A Conceptual Model Based on a Geochemical Characterization of Sulfide-Rich Karst Brackish Springs, by Laura Rosales et al., Hydrogeology Journal 22(6)1447-1467, 2014; PDF file; grayscale printout 0584-01. (2) Arturo Montero master's thesis Historia de la Espeleología en México, 2000, web version; .webarchive file, .html file (lacks illlustrations), Google translation as .rtf file; grayscale printout is 0584-02. (3) TIFF files of Sistema Huautla, Oaxaca, detailed partial profile maps by Bill Stone, 1980, 1981, especially connection area with Li Nita; reduced printouts 0584-03. (4) Walls program output for mines/caves as Rancho Minas Viejas, Nuevo León; .wrl file and PDF files of plan and profile, some annotations added. (5) Gerald Moni's Mexican Cave Survey material prepared for AMCS web site, mainly database files without coordinate locations; see also D452.
D456 (1) PDF and TIFF files for AMCS display banner made January 2015. (2) High-resolution scans of large maps of Sótano del Molino and Sótano del Caballo Moro, Tamaulipas. (3) Scans and assembled PDF of article in Descent 238 and 239 on British cave diving expedition to Sistema Huautla, Oaxaca, 2013. (4) Drafts of chapters on blind fish Astyanax by William Elliott for book; draft list of mappers of blind fish caves. (5) Gallery of photos from Belgian expedition to Puebla 2014 downloaded from web December 2014. (6) Article Observaciones sobre la Fauna Acuática de las Cuevas de la Región de Valles, San Luis Potosí, by B. F. Osorio Tafall, Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural 4(1-2)43-71, 1943. Scans by inter-library loan. (7) PDF file Regards 78, 2014, contains articles on GSAB expeditions Jalapeños 2012 and Chilpotles 2013 to Puebla.
D457 original scans of Gerald Moni's Mexican Cave Survey pages. Does not contain foldouts, and a few glitches due to errors by the scanner have not been corrected. See D458.
D458 Scans of Gerald Moni's Mexican Cave Survey, grayscale, by states. Total ~4400 pages. Oversize pages have been inserted, and rare errors by the scanner corrected.
D459 CD presentation An Introduction to Technical Diving, by Jim Bowden, et al., Proyecto de Buceo Espeleológico México y América Central, 1999. Obsolete Macintosh program file and Windows .exe files.
D460 2001 Innerspace Odyssey Expedition photo disk (2 of 3, phases 2). JPEG files. Captions are on D208 and this disk, printed as archive 0225-04. (This is a reburn of D205 that is in standard format.)
D461 NSS News 1941-1980 PDF files from NSS web site (or Karst Information Portal), protection against content copying or page extraction removed.
D462 NSS News 1981-2013 PDF files from NSS web site (or Karst Information Portal), protection against content copying or page extraction removed.
D463 Scans of photos of Astyanax fish caves by Keith Heuss, Dale Pate, and Pete Strickland. PDF file of paper Tzinacamoztoc, Possible Use of a Lava Tube as a Zenithal Observatory near Cantona Archaeological Site, Puebla, Mexico, by Ramón Espinasa and Ruth Diamant, Latin American Antiquity 23(4)585-596, December 2012.
D464 scans of caving slides by Paul Duncan (1971-1977) and Jim Clements (1971-1981). Caption info in the file and folder names.
D465 scans of caving slides by Paul Duncan (1977-1987). Caption info in the file and folder names.
D466 scans of caving slides by Orion Knox: Sótano del Arroyo November 1961, Sótano del Tigre and Sótano de la Tinaja November 1964, and Cueva de El Pachón April 1966.
D467 Spanish text and Bill Elliott's translation into English of Bonet's 1953 article Datos Sobre Las Cavernas y Ostros Fenomenos Erosivos de las Calizas de La Sierra de El Abra. Chapter IX, Caving with Mitch from 1959 to 1977, personal narrative of caving travels with Robert Mitchell, by Francis Abernethy (.docx and .pdf files). Plan and profile maps Cueva de Misioneros, Tamaulipas, pencil drafts Dwain Whitis with amendments by Bill Elliott (.png files).
D468 scans of slides from Bill Elliott (mostly Elliott photos) made April 2015, with captions (.tiff and .jpg files).
D469 Letters from Mitchell to Elliott in Mexico summer 1969; compare D473. Espeleo Rescate México web site (English and Spanish) on attempted rescue at Cueva Jashib, Chiapas 2004. Video by Darryl Jenson of Hells Bells formations in Cenote Zapote, Quintana Roo; .mp4 file and related e-mail. David Honea slide scans Sierra de El Abra area, Monos, Micos, with some caption info. Orion Knox slide scans of some Sierra de El Abra pix: Cueva Chica, Sótano de Tinaja; caption info in file names. Scans of some old photos by Ruff Daniels, 1969 trip to Cueva de La Puente, Puente de Dios del Río Jalpan, etc., with some caption clues. Collection of JPEG maps of underwater caves (mainly Quintana Roo) downloaded from web, wth source e-mail.
D470 PDF files, Speleologia (Italy) no. 1-68, 1979-2013
D471 Proyecto Espeleológico Sistema Huautla 2014. Kasia Biernacka's photos from La Grieta and surface, survey book scans, pre-trip stuff: maps of La Grieta, gear inventories, .zip file of PocketTopo Windows program, mug shots for badges, 2007 Walls data, etc.
D472 AMCS Activities Newsletter 38 fnal archive disk
D473 talks about Mike Boon at his memorial gathering spring 2015, video files plus on audio file. Talks by John Donovan, Daryl Donmovan, Bill Steele, Ian Drummond, Peter Thompson. See also D476.
D474 survey data Sótano de Vasquez, Tamaulipas, received Oct. 2015 from Roy Jameson and made into Walls and .xlsx files by Bill Elliott; 5 Vásques photos by Jameson.
D475 archive, scanning Chronicles of the Old Reading Grotto by Squire Lewis for AMCS web site. Raw scans, layout, PDF files.
D476 Bill Steele, Mark Minton, Jim Smith audio interviews about Mike Boon (.mp3 files). Memorial video about Mike Boon by Sid Perou, .mp4, 40 minutes. See also D474.
D477 archive disk for making PDF of Squire Lewis's Chronicles of the Old Reading Grotto, raw scans, layout, PDF raw and compressed
D478 PDF files of articles: Caracterización de las Depresiones Kársticas (Forma, Tamaño y Densidad) a Escala 1:50,000 y Sus Tipos de Inundación en el Estado de Quintana Roo, Mexico, bu Particial Fragoso-Servón, Francisco Bautista, Oscar Frausto, and Alberto Pereira, Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas 31(1)127-137, 2014. Formas Kársticas Comunes de los Cenotes del Estado de Quintana Roo (México), by Itziar Ordóñez Crespo and Manuel García Rodríguez, M+A: Revisas Electrónic de Medio Ambiente, 9:15-35, 2010. Review: The Yucatán Peninsula Karst Aquifer, Mexico, by Peter Bauer-Gottwein, Bibi R. N. Gondwe, Guillaume Charvet, Luis E. Marín, Mario Rebolledo-Vieyra, and Gonzola Merediz-Alonso, Hydrogeology Journal 19(3)507-524, 2011. PDF files from web.
D479 Redbull TV video Journey to Inner Earth, 25 minutes. The British Cave Diviing Group expedition to Sistema Huautla, Oaxaca, 2013. .webarchive file, .flv (Flash) file, .ts file.
D480 PDF files of display placed in municipal buiding in Huautla, Oaxaca, during the PESH 2015 expedition. File of wall poster and file of the photos in display book.
D481 census of cenotes in Yucatán state by SEDUMA, by municipio, classed as open, semi-open, closed, and caves. .webarchive file and extracted tables in various formats.
D482 abstracts book 22nd International Conference on Subterranean Biology, August-September 2014, Querétaro. PDF file.
D483 .mp4 file of Bill Steele talking about PEST 2015 Huautla expedition, prepared by Whole Earth Provision Company. 30 minutes
D484 PDF files of all issues of NSS News 1941-2015, from NSS web site, unprotected.