AMCS home page > Library and Archives index > Calendars and posters
untitled calendar July 1983–June 1984 published by AMCS (Terry Raines). Box 60.
Cavernas Mexicanas: Un Viaje al México Profundo. 2003 calendar by Gustavo Vela Turcott. In flat file.
Cuevas de Cielo calendar 2007. Published by La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, Italy. Photos of glacier caves; no Mexico. In flat file.
Cueva de los Cristales calendar 2007. Published by La Venta group, Speleoresearch and Filmes, and C/Productions. Photos of Cave of the Crysals. In flat file.
Cuicatlán en Oaxaca 2005 calendar. Published by Fundación Chicatlán, A.C., Mexico D.F. Contains some cave photos by José Antonio Soriano Sánchez. Box 28.
Naica calendar 2008. Published by El Proyecto Naica [?], short intro by Gonzalo Infante. Photos of Cave of the Crystals. In flat file.
Speleo 2008 weekly engagement calendar, photos by Kasia Biernacka and Marcin Gala. Includes photos of J2 Cave, Cueva Tetris, and Osto de Cerro Voludo no. 2, Oaxaca. Box 28.
SpeleoCoahuia 2007 promotional poster. Published by Asociación Coahuilense de Espeleología. In flat file.
Speleo 2011 weekly engagement calendar, photos by Kasia Biernacka and Marcin Gala. Includes photos of Pool Tunich, Quintana Roo; Last Bash, Tres Amigos, and J2, Oaxaca; and Akemabis, Puebla. Box 28.