AMCS home page > Library and Archives index > Books about Mexico
Alphabetical by author. When no author or editor could be discovered, an organization is used for author.
Andrews IV, E. Wyllys. Balankanche, Throne of the Tiger Priest. AMCS Reprint Series 6, Austin, Texas, 2005 (original 1970). 192 pp plus CD of Mayan chants.
Arias Fernández, Ricardo. Histoplasmosis. Asociacion de Excursionismo y Montañismo del I.P.N., seccion de Espeleología, 1988. Trabajo de Divulgación no. 1. 34 p. box 58
Arias Fernández, Ricardo, ed. Informe de las Actividades Espeleologicas Realizadas por la Asociación de Excursionismo del Insituto Politecnico Nacional. Boletín no. 1 AEIPN. 67 p., 1 loose map. 1992. photocopy. box 58
Arias Fernández, Ricardo. La Gruta de San Sebastian, Oaxaca: Informe Espeleológico. Asociacion de Excursionismo y Montañismo del I.P.N., seccion de Espeleología, 2000. 10 pp. plastic comb bound. box 28.
Arias Fernández, Ricardo. Sótanos de México: Abismos de Luz y Sombra. Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturalas, Mexico D.F., 2001. 120 pp.
Asociaciǒn Polaca de Alpinismo, Comisiǒn de Alpinismo de Cuevas. Mexico '79: Expedición Espeleológica de Polonia. 1979. 62 pp., softbound. (Expedition prospectus). box 30
Astyanax International Meeting. Program book for 1st Astyanax International Meeting, March 15-18, 2009, Ciudad Valles. Bound printout from PDF. 45 p. box 59
Astyanax International Meeting. Cavefish Evolution, Development, and Behavior. (program book for 2nd Astyanax International Meeting, March 13–18, 2011, Ciudad Valles. Bound printout from PDF. 39 p. box 59
Astyanax International Meeting. Introducing the Cavefish Genome. (program book for 3rd Astyanax International Meeting, March 17-21, 2013, Ciudad Valles. box 59
Atkinson, Gerald. Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Tamabra and Mendez Formations in the Conrado Castillo Area, Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Senior honors thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1982. 44 pp. Photocopy in press binder. Box 34.
Avilés, Jaime, ed. San Luis Potosí. Dirección Estatal de Turismo San Luis Potosí, no date. 63 pp. (a tourist guide). Box 60.
Badino, Giovanni, ed. Crystal Giants in the Caves of Naica. La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, Italy, 2008. 48 pp hardbound.
Badino, Giovanni, Tullio Bernabei, Antonio de Vivo, Italo Giulivo, and Guiseppe Savino (editors). Under the Desert: The Mysterious Waters of Cuatro Ciénegas. La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, Italy, 2004. 288 pp., map in pocket, CD in pocket.
Badino, Giovanni, Alvise Belotti, Tullio Bernabei, Antonio De Vivo, Davide Domenici, and Italo Giulivo (editors). Rio La Venta: Treasure of Chiapas. La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, Italy, 1999. 320 pp plus CD in pocket.
Beddows, Patricia. Conduit Hydrogeology of a Tropical Coastal Carbonate Aquifer: Caribbean Coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. MS thesis, McMaster University, 1999. 82 pp. (This is the original thesis version of AMCS Bulletin 11.) Box 47.
Beddows, Patricia, and Jim Coke. Cenote Karst of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Guidebook for Excursion 85, 15th International Congress of Speleology; 2009. 74 pp. See also Fifteenth International Congress of Speleology, 2010.
Bernabei, Tullio, Antonio De Vivo, Francesco Sauro, Giuseppe Savino (editors). Cueva del Río La Venta: Un Sueño Subterráneo. La Venta Esplorazione Geografiche, Italy; 2012. 159 pp. plus folder map in pocket. In Spanish.
Bernabei, Tullio, Antonio De Vivo, Francesco Sauro, Giuseppe Savino (editors). Cueva del Río La Venta: An Underground Dream. La Venta Esplorazione Geografiche, Italy; 2012. 159 pp. plus folder map in pocket.
Beveridge, Aimee, and Pete Strickland. Giant Caves of Northern Mexico. Guidebook for Field Trip 88, 15th International Congress of Speleology; 2009. 21 pp. Box 40. See also Fifteenth International Congress of Speleology, 2010.
Bitterli, Thomas, et al. (editors). Proyecto Cerro Rabón 1990–1994, Oaxaca, Mexico. Speleo Projects, Basil, Switzerland, 1996. 192 pp.
Bitterli, T., P.-Y. Jeannin, K. Meyers, and Ph. Rouiller. Proyecto Cerro Rabón, Mexico, 1985–1989. AMCS Reprint Series 2, 2001 (original 1990). 58 pp. Box 35.
Bonet, F. [Frederico]. Espeleología de la Region de Cacahuamilpa, Gro. Instituto de Geología, UNAM, Boletín 90, Mexico D.F., 1971. 98 pp plus 26 photo plates. Copy in library has been rebound after disassembly for scanning for AMCS Reprint 10.
Bonet, Federico. Cave Papers of Federico Bonet. AMCS Reprint 10, 2009. 318 pp. Contains Cuevas de la Sierra Madre Oriental en la Región de Xilitla (1953), "Datos Sobre las Cavernas y Otros Fenómenos Erósivos de las Calizas de la Sierra de El Abra" (1953), Espeleología de la Región de Cacahuamilpa, Gro. (1971).
Boon, Mike. The Great San Agustín Rescue. Stalactite Press, Edmonton, Alberta, 1980. 20 pp. Box 40.
Brady, James E. Sources for the Study of Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use. Studies in Mesoamerican Cave Use publication 1. Revised edition, 2012. 136 pp. box 59
Breder, C. M., Jr., and Priscilla Rasquin. Comparative Studies in the Light Sensitivity of Blind Characins from a Series of Mexican Caves. Offprint from Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, v. 89, pp. 319-352. Box 60.
Bullock, W. Six Months Residence and Travels in Mexico; Containing Remarks on the Present State of New Spain, Its Natural Productions, State of Society, Manufactures, Trade, Agriculture, and Antiquites, etc. John Murray, London 1824. 532 pp plus plates not properly scanned. PDF file on archive disk D147.
Cabrera Ipiña, Octaviano. El Real de Catorce. Sociedad Potosina de Esturios Historicos, San Luis Potosí, SLP, 1970. First edition. 117 pp. Box 40.
Carrilo-Bravo, José. La Plataform Valles–San Luis Potosí. Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana Geólogos Petroleros 23(1-6) 1971. 102 pp. Bound photocopy in Box 32.
Castillo, Jorge, ed. Cd. Valles, Puerta Grande de la Huasteca: Guia Turistica. about 20 pp., n.d. Box 61
Ceballos, Gerardo, Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales, and Rodrigo A. Medellín. The Mammals of Mexico: Composition, Distribution, and Conservation Status. Museum of Texas Tech University, Occasional Papers 218, 2002. 27 pp. Bound printout from Web. Box 40.
Circolo Speleologico Romano. Spedizioni in Messico (Chiapas) e in Guatemala dal 1996 al 2001. Monograph issue of Notiziario del Circolo Speleologico Romano, new series numbers 16-19, 2001-2004. 102 pp. 7 articles on Mexico, 1 on Guatemala. Box 32.
Clup Alpin Français–Nice. M'Expé 93. Report of expedition to Chiapas, Feb-Apr 1993. [Nice?], France, [1993]. 118 pp plus large loose folded map. Box 31.
Cobar, David. Mi Nombre es Río Secreto. Rô Secreto Reserva Natural, Playa del Canmen, Quintana Roo, 2013?. unpaged, about 150.
Coggins, Clemency Chase, and Orrin C. Shane III, editors, Cenote of Sacrifice: Maya Treasures from the Sacred Well at Chichén Itzá. University of Texas Press, 1984. 176 pp.
Cokendolpher, James C., and James R. Reddell (editors). Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America IV. Texas Memorial Museum speleological monograph 6, Austin, Texas, 2004. 200 pp.
Cokendolpher, James C., and James R. Reddell (editors). Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America, Part V. Texas Memorial Museum speleological monograph 7, Austin, Texas, 2009. 169 pp.
Conca, Corrado, De Vivo, Antonio, Piccini, Leonardo, and Savino, Giuseppe (editors). From Forests to Deserts: A Journey in the Caves of Mexico. La Venta Esplorazioni Geografiche, 2009. 155 pp.
Congreso Geológico Internacional. Estratigrafía del Cenozoico y del Mesozoico a lo largo de la Carretera entre Reynosa, Tamps y México, D. F.; Tectónica de la Sierra Madre Oriental; Vulcanismo en el Valle de México. Excursiones A-14 y C-6. 1956. reduced photocopy in ring binder, pages 1-69, 119-323 only, plus foldout figs. 2-15 and tables VI, VII from the missing pages. English version of this book, which includes the missing section, is under International Geological Congress.
Congreso Geológico Internacional. Geologia general de la Sierra Madre Oriental entre México, D. F. y Córdoba, Ver. Depósitos Continentales y volcánicos del Cenozoico Superior y sedimentos marinos del Mesozoico y Cenozoico. Campos petroleros de la Cuenca de Veracruz. Obras hidráulicas del Río Papaloapan. Compos petrolertos y azufreros del Istmo de Tehuantepec. Geomorfología de la Península de Yucatán. Visitas a los zonas arqueloógicas Mayas. Excursion C-7. 1956. 256 pp. plus figures (some figures missing). reduced photocopy in ring binder.
Corpus Christi Geological Society. Portrero Garcia and Huasteca Canyon, Northeastern Mexico. 1979 spring field conference guidebook. 46 pp. Box 34.
Corpus Christi Geological Society. Geology of the Pleistocene-Jurassic, Laredo-Monterrey-Reynosa, Mexico. Eleventh annual field conference guidebook, 1961. 49 pp plus folded plates bound in. Box 34.
Cserna, Eugene G., and Alejandro Bello-Barradas. Geología de la Parte Central de la Sierra de Alvárez, Municipio de Zaragoza, Estado de San Luis Potosí. from Instituto Geología Boletín 71 pte 2, UNAM, Mexico, D.F., date unknown. pp 23-63. Bound photocopy in box 31.
De Cserna, Zoltan. Reconocimiento Geologico en la Sierra Madre del Sur, entre Chilpancingo y Acapulco, Estado de Guerro. Insituto Geología Boletín 62, UNAM, Mexico, D.F., 1965. 64 pp. Bound photocopy. Box 31.
De Cserna, Zoltan. Tetónica de la Sierra Madre Oriental de México, entre Torreón y Monterrey. Contributión del Insituto Nacional para la Investigación de Recursos Minerales de México. XX Congreso Geológico Internacional, Mexico 1956. 87 pp plus 2 folded map plates in pocket. Box 40.
Denneborg, Michael. Beitrage zur Geologie und Hydrogeologie im Bereich Laguna de Sanchez, Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexiko. 1986 master's thesis. 95 pp. Printout from scan of photocopy. Box 36.
Ediger, Donald, The Well of Sacrifice: An Account of the Expedition to Recover the Lost Mayan Treasures of Chichén Itzá. Doubleday, 1971. 288 pp.
Emonts-pohl, Andreas. Geologie und Hydrogeologie im Bereich Laguna de Sanchez, Cola de Caballo/Sierra Madres Oriental (Mexiko). 1986 master's thesis. 113 pp. Printout from scan of photocopy. Box 36.
Epstein, Jeremiah, F. The San Isidro Site: An Early Man Campsite in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Anthropology Series 7, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin, [1969]. 143 pp. Box 32.
Equipe Spéléo de Saint-Nicolas. Expe Sous Sierra, Mars-Avril 1987: Sierra de Zongolica. 66 pp. plastic comb bound. 1989. Box 39.
Espinana Pereña, Ramón. Origen y Evolución de Tubos de Lava en la Sierra Chichinautzin: El Caso del Volcán Suchiooc. MS thesis, UNAM, 1999. 94 pp. (This is original Spanish version of AMCS Bulletin 17.) Box 47.
Espinana Pereña, Ramón. Field Trip Guidebook, XII International Vulcanospeleogy Symposium, Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico 2006. 47 pp. Box 61.
Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto. Reporte de la Gruta Madre Cristaliina, Valladolid, Yucatán, México. 39 pages. 2011. Bound color printout from web. Box 48.
Evia Cervantes, Carlos Augusto. Seleción de Mitos. Universdad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2006. 113 pp. Box 60.
Explorations Karstiques Sud Américaines. Chiapas 2002: Report d'Expédition Spéléo dans l'etat du Chiapas, Mexique. 37 pp. Printed from Box 24. PDF file is on D181.
Explorations Karstiques Sud Américaines. Chiapas 2003: Report d'Expédition Spéléo dans l'etat du Chiapas, Mexique. 37 pp. Printed from Box 24. PDF file is on D181.
Explorations Karstiques Sud Américaines. Chiapas 2004-2005: Report d'Expédition Spéléo dans l'etat du Chiapas, Mexique. 43 pp. Printed from Box 24. PDF file is on D181.
Explorations Karstiques Sud Américaines. Chiapas 2008: Report d'Expédition Spéléo dans l'etat du Chiapas, Mexique. 32 pp. Printed from Box 24. PDF file is on D181.
Fant, Jerry. 2000. Proyecto Fantasmas, Valle de las Fantasmas, Municipio de Zaragoza, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. unpaged, approx. 20 pp. Comb bound. Box 60.
Fant, Jerry, 2001. Proyecto Espeleologica Sierra Oxmolon. (San Luis Potosí). 32 p. Box 61.
Fant, Jerry. 2009. See Fifteenth International Congress of Speleology, 2010.
Fifteenth International Congress of Speleology. Mexican Field Trip Guidebooks for the 15th ICS. AMCS Reprint 11, 2010, 136 pp. Contains Giant Caves of Northern Mexico, by Aimee Beveridge and Pete Strickland; Deep Pits of the Golondrinas Area, by Jerry Fant; and Cenote Karst of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, compiled by Patricia Beddows and Jim Coke.
Fiorelli, Lalo. Hidden Splendors of the Yucatan. Splendors Publishing, Soquel, California, 2004. 82 pp.
Finch, William A., Jr. The Karst Landscape of Yucatan. Foreign Field Research Program, National Academy of Sciences, 1965. 168 pages. Printed download from Google books. Box 40.
Fish, Johnnie Edward. Karst Hydrology and Geomorphology of the Sierra de El Abra and the Valles–San Luis Potosi Region, Mexico. PhD thesis, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1977. 469 pp. Photocopy from the author in press binder. (This is the original version that was reformatted for AMCS bulletin 14.)
Franco Morales, Ma. Luisa. Propuesta de un Programa de Educación Ambiental Formal para la Conservación de Murciélagos. UNAM thesis 2001, 180 pp. PDF file on Disk 424.
Freis, Carl, Jr., and Eduardo Schmitter. Scheellite Deposits in the Northern Part of the Sierra de Juarez, Northern territory, Lower California, Mexico. Offprint from Geologic Investigations in the American Republics, 1944, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 946-B, Washington, D.C., 1945, pages 73-101, plus 14 folded plates in pocket. Box 32.
Gary, Marcus Orton. Karst Hydrogeology and Speleogenesis of Sistema Zacatón, Tamaulipas, Mexico. PhD dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 2009. 232 pages. black-and-white bound printout. Original version of AMCS Bulletin 21. Box 49.
Gary, Robin Havens. Anthropogenic Activities and Karst Landscapes: A Cave Study of the Deep, Thermal, Sulfuric Karst System in Tamaulipas, Mexico. MA thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 2005. color bound printout. Box 49.
Gerstenhauer, Armin. Beiträge zur Geomorphologie des mittleren und nördlichen Chiapas (Mexico) unter bedonderer Berüchsichtigung des Karstformenschatzes. Verlag Wandemar Kramer, Frankfurter Geographishce Hefte 41, 1966. 110 pp. Box 60.
Goldhammer, Bob. Geologic Road Log: Mesozoic of the Sierra Madre Oriental, Mexico, prepared for Sonat Spring 1998 Field Seminar. 18 pages plus 18 pages of photos. This copy appears to be a plastic comb bound reprint. Box 47.
Grosjean Abimerhi, Sergio, Secretos de los Cenotes de Yucatán. Mérida, 2013, 175 pp.
Halffter, Gonzalo, and Pedro Reyes-Castillo. Analisis Cuantitativo de la Fauna de Artropodos de Laguna Verde [Veracruz]. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 30, Mexico, D.F., 1975. 32 pp. Box 32.
Hatt, Robert T., et al. Faunal and Archeological Researches in Yucatan Caves. Cranbook Institute of Science bulletin 33, 1953. 119 pp. Box 39.
Hausman, Heidi. Responsible Development in Tulum, Mexico: Considering Water Quality and Subaqueous Cave Locations. MS thesis, Duke University, 2009. 55 pages. black and white printout from AMCS also has the PDF with color illustrations on CD. Box 40.
Heraud-Piña, Marie-Anne, Le Karst du Yucatan: Pays des Mayas. Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 1996. 282 pp.
Hobbs, H. H. III and Horton H. Hobbs, Jr. On the Troglobitic Shrimps of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico (Decapoda, Atyidae and Palaemonidae). Washington, Smithsonian Institute Press, Smithonian Contributions to Zoology 240, 1976, 23 pp. Box 38
Hoffmann, A., J. G. Palacios-Vargas, and J. B. Morales-Malacara, Manual de Bioespeleología (con Nuevas Aportaciones de Morelos y Guerrero, Méx.), Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, 1986. 274 pp.
Hose, Louise Dorothy. The Geology and Hydrogeology of the Sistema Purificación Area, Villa Hidalgo, Tamaulipas, México. MS thesis, California State University, Los Angeles, 1981. 148 pp plus 2 folded maps in pocket. Photocopy in press binder.
Hubbs, Carl L., and Robert Rush Miller. Studies of Cyprinodont Fishes. XXII. Variation in Lucania parva, its Establishment in Western United States, and Description of a New Species from an Interior Basin in Coahuila, México. Miscellaneous Publications 127, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1965. 104 pp. Box 32.
Imlay, Ralph W. Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Upper Cretaceous Beds along the Eastern Side of Laguna de Mayran, Coahuila, Mexico. Offprint from Bulletin of the Geological Society of America v 48, pp 1785-1872, New York, 1937. Box 33.
International Geological Congress. Guidebook to Excursions A-14 and C-6, Stratigraphy of the Tertiary and Mesozoic along the Highway between Reyona, Tamps., and México, D. F.; Tectonics of the Sierra Madre Oriental; Volcanic and Continental Sedimentary Rocks in the Valley of Mexico. 1956. 221 p. plus foldout figures 2-15. photocopy in ring binder. This copy appears to lack the tables. For Spanish version of this book (including tables), see under Congreso Geológico Internacional.
Johnson, Paul Willard. A Field Guide to the Gems and Minerals of Mexico. Gembooks, Mentone, California; 1965. 97 pp. Box 30.
Kornicker, Louis S., and Thomas M. Iliffe. New Istradoda (Halocyprida: Thaumatocyprididae and Halocyprididae) from Anchialine Caves in the Bahamas, Palua, and Mexico. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 470, 1989. 47 pp. Box 61.
Kornicker, Louis S., and Thomas M. Iliffe. Myodocopid Ostracoda (Halocypridina, Cladocopina) from Anchialine Caves in the Bahamas, Canary Islands, and Mexico. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 599, 1998. 93 pp. Box 61.
Krügel, Anton, and Herbert Raschko. Reisebericht von Anton Krügel unde Herbert Raschko: Mexiko—Halbinsel Yucatan 1997. Vienna, Höhlen Kundliche Schriften des Landesverein für Höhlenkunde in Wien und Niederösterreich heft 5, 1998. 71 pp., foldout map plates. Box 60.
Kurtén, Björn. Pleistocene Bears of North America. Acta Zoologica Fennica 115, Helsinki, 1966. 120 pp. Box 33.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos. Las Cavernas de Cerro Grande, Estados de Colima y Jalisco. AMCS Reprint Series 4, Austin, Texas, 2002 (original 1988). 144 pp plus 11 photo plates. Box 35. Also as PDF file on AMCS CD.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos. Las Cavernas de la Sierra Gorda. AMCS Reprint Series 5, 2002 (original 1986). Two volumes, 180 and 206 pp. (Library has two copies vol 2). Box 35. Also as PDF file on AMCS CD.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos (with photographs by David Lauer and Carlos Lazcano). Exploring a Forgotten World: Lost Sites of the Paguimé Culture. Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua 1999. 158 pp hardbound.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos. The Privilege of Light: Mexico's Underground Wonders. Grupo Cenentos de Chihuahua, 2009. 175 pp hardbound.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos. Privilegios de la Luz: Maravillas Subterráneas de México. Grupo Cenentos de Chihuahua, 2008. 175 pp hardbound.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos. Regresso al Mundo Olvidado: Descubrimiento de Antiguos Pueblos de la Culture Casas Grande en la Sierra Madre Occidental. This is bound original Spanish-language manuscript in Microsoft Word that became AMCS reprint 22. Box 48.
Lazcano Sahagún, Carlos. Vaqueros Californios. Cuadenos de Fotografía, Centro Cultural Tijuana, 2012. 44 pages softbound. (No caves.) Box 30.
Lewis, Squire C. Chronicles of the Old Reading Grotto. By the author, Austin, Texas, 1993. 146 pp. softbound.
Lhuillier, Alberto Ruz. The Civilization of the Ancient Maya. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia,Serie Historia 24, 1970. 123 pp.
Limbert, Howard ?, ed. Mexico 85/86. no place, no date. 122 pp. Box 60.
Lister, Robert H., Paul C. Manglesdorf, and Kate Peck Kent. Archaeological Excavations in the Northern Sierra Madre Oriental, Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. University of Colorado Studies, Series in Anthropology 7, Boulder 1958. 121 pp. Bound photocopy in box 31.
Lumley, Mark, Dany Bradshaw, and Steve Milen, eds. The Black Holes Expedition: The 1988 British Expedition to Explore the Caves of the Sierra de Zongolica. no place, no date. 37 pp. Box 60.
Luque S., Alberto. Cartografia Estado de San Luis Potosí. Editora Escolar, México DF. no date. 64 pp. (A children's text on geography with maps and exercizes.) Box 28.
Lutz, Wolfgang, Leonel Prieto, and Warren Sanderson (eds.). Population, Development, and Environment on the Yucatán Peninsula: From Ancient Maya to 2030. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria; 2000. report RR-00-14. 257 pp. printout from PDF file. Box 48.
Lyon, F. G. Journal of a Residence and Tour in the Republic of Mexico in the Year 1826, with Some Account of the Mines of That Country. John Murray, London; 1828. volume 1 of 2. 323 pp. PDF file on archive disk D147.
MacMaster University Caving and Climbing Club. A Description of the Sotano del Rio Iglesia. about 20 pp in binder plus loose maps; very large folder map has been cut up for scanning. Box 38.
McAllister, James F., and David Hernandez Ortiz. Quicksilver-Antimony Deposits of Huitzuco, Guerrero, Mexico. Offprint from Geologic Investigations in the American Republics, 1944, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 946-B, Washington, D.C., 1945, pages 49-71, plus 20 folded plates in pocket, including maps of mines. Box 33.
MacNeish, Richard S. Preliminary Archaeological Investigations in the Sierra de Tamaulipas, Mexico. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society new series vol 48 part 6, Philadelphia, 1968. 210 pp. Photocopy bound in two volumes. Box 31.
Meacham, Sam (editor). Ox Bel Ha Water Protection Project: Sian Ka'an Exploration Expedition, November 2005–June 2006. Final report, Playa del Carmin, Quintana Roo, 2006. 210 pp. Printout in ring binder.
Medellín, Rodrigo A., Héctor T. Arita, and Sánchez H, Óscar, Identificación de los Murcielagos de México: Clave de Campo. Asociación Mexicana de Mastrozoología, special publication 2, 1997. 83 p. Box 38.
Mejia Ortiz, Luis Manuel. Comparative Study of Adaptations to Cave Life in Stygobite Decapod Crustaceans (Decapoda: Palaemonidae and Cambaridae). PhD thesis, Univeristy of Liverpool, England, 2003. 274 pp. Printout in press binder.
Mercer, Henry C. The Hill-Caves of Yucatan. Lippencott, Philadelphia, 1896. 183 pp. Copy is in library binding and lacks title page.
Mercer, Henry C. The Hill-Caves of Yucatan. AMCS Reprint Series 7, Austin, Texas, 2005 (original 1896). Includes foreword by James E. Brady and introduction by Sir J. Eric S. Thompson. 23+xliv+183 pp.
Mexique 80 expedition. Expédition Spéléologique au Mexique. no place, no date. approximately 50 pages. Box 60.
Minckley, W. L. Environments of the Bolsón of Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila with Special Reference to the Aquatic Biota. Texas Western Press, University of Texas at El Paso, science series #2, 1969. 65 pp. Box 30.
Mitchell, Robert W., William H. Russell, and William R. Elliott. Mexican Eyeless Characin Fishes, Genus Astyanax: Environment, Distribution, and Evolution. Special Publication 12, The Museum, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 1977. 89 pp. Box 33.
Montané Martí, Julio César, and Carlos Lazcano Sahagún. El Descubrimiento de California: Las Expediciones de Becerra y Grijalva a la Mar del Sur 1533–1534. Colección Navegantes de la California documento 1, Museo de Historia de Ensenada, B.C., Mexico, 2004. 99 pp. Box 31.
Moor, Amanda. Stratigraphy and Structure of Potosi Anticline, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. MS thesis, University of Texas at Austin, 1980. 116 pp plus folded map in pocket. Photocopy in press binder. Box 34.
Moreno Valdez, Arnulfo; photos by Merlin Tuttle. Murciélagos de Nuevo León: Nuestros Invaluables Aliados. Bat Conservation International and Grupo IMSA, 1996. 95 pp.
Morris, Neal (cartographer). Sierra de El Abra Cave Map Folio. Association for Mexican Cave Studies, Austin, Texas 1989. 11 folded maps in envelope. Box 35.
Motyčka, Zdeněk, Daniel Hutňan, and Radoslav Husák. A Quest for the Secrets of Xibalba. ZM Production, Czech Republic, 2013. 113 pp plus map plate.
Muir, John M. Geology of the Tampico Region, Mexico. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1936. 280 pp plus 5 folded plates in pocket.
Navarro Mendoza, Miguel. Inventario Íctico y Estudios Ecológicos Preliminares en los Cuerpos de Agua Continentales en la Reserva de la Biósfera de Sian Ka'an y Áreas Circunvecinas en Quintana Roo, México. Secretaria de Desarrollo Urbano y Ecologia and United States Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Report PCECCNA-00823, 1988. 247 pp plus annexes. bound photocopy. Box 38.
Neuman, Bibi Ruth, and Malene Louise Rahbek. Modelling Concepts for the Sustainable Management of the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Quintana Roo, Mexico. MS thesis, Technical University of Denmark, 2006. 256 + 116 pp, printout in press binder.
Paddock, John, ed. Ancient Oaxaca: Discoveries in Mexican Archeology and History. Stanford University Press, second edition 1970. 416 pp plus 16 pp color plates. hardbound.
Pearse, A. S. Fauna of the Caves of Yucatan. AMCS Reprint Series 9, Austin, Texas, 2008 (original 1938). 304 pp plus 8 photo plates.
Pearse, A. S. Fauna of the Caves of Yucatan. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication 491, 1938. 304 pp plus 8 photo plates. (Original for AMCS Reprint 9 was disbound for scanning; in ring notebook.)
Pearse, A. S., Edwin P. Creaser, and F. G. Hall. The Cenotes of Yucatan: A Zoological and Hydrographic Study. AMCS Reprint Series 8, Austin, Texas, 2008 (original 1936). 304 pp plus 19 photo plates.
Peterson, James A., Petroleum Geology and Resources of Northeastern Mexico, USGS open-file report 83-712, 1983, 36 pp, combbound with Russell, John L., q.v. Box 48.
Pistole, Nancy (editor). Proyecto Cheve 1986–1993. Published by the project, no place, 1994. 45 pp plus loose folded map. Box 59.
Raines, Terry. Caves of Mexico. Association for Mexican Cave Studies (unofficial), 1989. 255 pp, softbound.
Reddell, James R. A Review of the Cavernicole Fauna of Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. Texas Memorial Museum bulletin 27, Austin, Texas, 1981. 327 pp.
Reddell, James R. (editor). Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America. Texas Memorial Museum speleological monograph 1, Austin, Texas, 1986. 167 pp.
Reddell, James R. (editor). Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America II. Texas Memorial Museum speleological monograph 3, Austin, Texas, 1992. 257 pp.
Reddell, James R., and James C. Cokendolpher (editors). Studies on the Cave and Endogean Fauna of North America III. Texas Memorial Museum speleological monograph 5, Austin, Texas, 2001. 192 pp.
Rincón Mautner, Carlos A. The Pictographic Assemblage from the Colossal Natural Bridge on the Ndaxagua Coixtlahuaca Basin, Northwestern Mixteca Alto of Oaxaxa, Mexico. In Ketzalcalli number 2, 2005, pages 2-69. Bound printout from web. box 59
Rissolo, Doninique A. Ancient Maya Cave Use in the Yalahau Region, Northern Quintana Roo, Mexico. PhD thesis, University of California, Riverside, 2001. 400 pp. Printout in press binder.
Romero, Pablo Bush, Under the Waters of Mexico, Carlton Press, 1964. 184 pp
Rosales Lagarde, Laura. Investigation of Karst Brackish-Sulfidic Springs and Their Role in the Hydrogeology, Subsurface Water-Rock Interactions, and Speleogenesis at Northern Sierra de Chiapas, Mexico. PhD dissertation, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2012. 172 pp. Bound black-and-white printout from PDF (on Bulletin 24 archive disk). Box 49.
Russell, John L., et al. Structure and Mesozoic Stratrigraphy of Northeast Mexico, Corpus Christi Geological Society, 1984. Field trip guide, 76 pages combbound, together with USGS open-file report 83-712, see Peterson, James A. Box 48.
Salinas, L. Salazar. A la Caverna de Cacahuamilpa en Automovil. Instituto Geologico de México, Mexico, D.F., 1922. 17 numbered text pages plus numerous unnumbered photo plates. Contains loose manuscript English translation in green ink. Box 32.
Schmidt, Roboert H., Jr. A Geographical Survey of Chichuahua. Southwestern Studies, monograph 37, University of Texas at El Paso, 1973. 63 pp. Box 32.
Schwatka, Frederick, In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers, Cassell Publishing, 1893. 385 pp.
Segerstrom, Kenneth. Geology of South-Central Hidalgo and Northeastern México, Mexico. Offprint from Geologic Investigations in Mexico, U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1104-C, Washington, D.C., 1962. pp 87-162 plus folded map plate in pocket. Box 32.
Smith, Charles Isaac. Lower Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Northern Coahuila, Mexico. Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations 65, University of Texas, Austin, 1970. 101 pp plus 7 folded plates in pocket. Two copies in Box 33.
Smith, James H., Jr. Hydrogeology of the Sistema Huautla Karst Groundwater Basin, Sierra Mazateco, Oaxaca, Mexico. MS thesis, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, 1994. 338 pp plus folded map in pocket. Photocopy in press binder. (This is the original version that was reformatted to make AMCS bulletin 9.)
Smokey, George (editor). Lieut. Schwatka's In the Land of Cave and Cliff Dwellers: Tarahumra Indians. The Motor, Ripon, Wisconsin, 1971. 34 pp. Extracts from the book, "annotated with notes from recent travelers. Box 30.
Sociedad Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas. Exploraciones de 1980 en el Área de «La Florida», Querétaro. SMES Boletín 1, Mexico D.F., 1982. 70 pp. Box 34.
Sociedad Mexicana de Exploraciones Subterráneas. Exploraciones de 1981. SMES Boletín 2, Mexico D.F., 1983. 45 p.
Steele, Bill. A Compilation of Published Information Pertaining to the Huautla, Oaxaca, Area. Compilation through 1979; photocopies bound into two volumes, total about 200 pages. Box 61.
Steele, C. William. Yochib: The River Cave. Cave Books, St. Louis, 1985. 164 pp (softbound edition).
Steele, C. William. Huautla: Thirty Years in One of the World's Deepest Caves. Cave Books, Dayton, Ohio; 2009. 269 pp.
Stephens, John L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Dover Publications, New York, 1963. (Original was published by Harper and Brothers in 1843.) 2 vols. 303 and 336 pp.
Stone, Bill, editor. Sistema Cheve, Oaxaca, Mexico: Historia de la Exploración 1986 - 2013. private printing 2013. approx. 400 total pages.
Stone, Bill. Report on the Findings of the 1984 Pena Colorada Expedition: The Huautla Project, United States Deep Caving Team. Approximately 100 pages. Bound photocopy. Bilingual English/Spanish. Box 38.
Stone, William C., and Barbara A. am Ende. A Report to the Government on Mexico on The 1994 San Agustin Expedition to Huautla de Jimenez, Oaxaca. Privately printed 1994. 127 pp. Box 38.
Stone, Willliam, and Barbara am Ende, with Monte Paulsen. Beyond the Deep: The Deadly Descent into the World's Most Treacherous Cave. Warner Books, New York, 2002. 351 pp.
Stone, Willliam, and Barbara am Ende, with Monte Paulsen. Más Profundo que el Abismo: Un Mortal Descenso en la Cueva má Peligrosa del Mundo. Grijalbo, Mexico D.F., 2004. ISBN 968-5957-39-8. 392 pp. Copy in library is a private reprint.
Studley, Cordellia A. Notes Upon Human Remains from the Caves of Coahuila, Mexico. Offprint from XVI Report of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, 1883, pages 233-259. 1884. Bound printout from Google Books. Box 24.
Teniente Franco, María de Jesús. Diseño de un Plan de Interpretación para la Conservación de la Cueva "Las Grutas" de Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán. UNAM thesis, 187 pp., 2008. PDF file on Disk 424.
Thomas, Christian (?). YUC 2006 B, Rapport d'expédition. 68 pages, lacks cover. Color printout. Box 36.
Thompson, Edward H. The High Priest's Grave: Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. With notes by J. Eric Thompson. Field Museum of Natural History Anthropological Series, v. 27, no. 1, 1938. 64 pp. Printout from interlibrary loan file. Box 61.
Tuttle, Merlin D., and Arnulfo Moreno. Murciélagos Cavernícolas del Norte de México: Su Importancia y Problemas de Conservación. Bat Conservation International, Austin, Texas, 2005. 49 pp. Box 32.
Unión Mexican de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas. I Congreso Nacional Mexicana de Espeleología, Programa y Resúmenes. December 1991, Mérida, Yucatán. 27 pp. Box 40.
Unión Mexican de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas. IV Congreso Nacional Mexicana de Espeleología, Programa y Resúmenes. December 1998, Tehuacán, Puebla. 49 pp. Box 33.
Unión Mexican de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas. VII Congreso Nacional Mexicana de Espeleología, Memorias. February 2005, Monterrey, Nuevo León. 56 pp. Bound photocopy in box 34.
Unión Mexican de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas. VIII Congreso Nacional Mexicana de Espeleología, Memorias. February 2007, Cuetzalan, Puebla. 103 pp. Box 31.
Unión Mexican de Agrupaciones Espeleológicas. IX Congreso Nacional Mexicana de Espeleología, Memorias. January-February 2009, Villahermosa, Tabasco. 207 pp. Bound printout from Web. Box 24.
Vela Turcott, Gustavo. Un Viaje al México Profundo. Editorial Santillana, Mexico D.F., 2005. 179 pp.
Vesely, Carol, and Bill Farr. Proyecto Pápalo Expedition Report 1986–1989. AMCS Reprint Series 3, 2001 (original [1989?]). 17 pp. Box 35.
Vignoli, Valerio, and Lorenzo Prendini. Systematic Revision of the Troglomorphic North American Scorpion Family Typhlochactidae (Scorpiones: Chactoidea). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History no. 326, 2009. 94 pp. Printed from PDF download. Box 48.
Villa-R., Bernardo. Los Murciélagos de México: Su Importancia en la Economía y la Salubridad—Su Clasificación Sistemática. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Autónoma de México, 1966. 491 pp.
Walsh, Mike. Mexican Caving of the Southwest Texas Grotto, 1966–1971. AMCS Reprint Series 1, 2001 (original 1972). 146 pp. Box 35. Original edition box 38.
Walsh, Mike, and Spencer Woods, eds., Mexican Caving 2001. Austin, Texas, 2001. 149 pp. Box 60.
Warrant, Didier, ed. Pour Une Poignee de Bolards: Le Mexique. 1987. 95 pp. (Expe Sous Sierra 87). Box 60
White, Donald E., and Jenaro Gonzáles R. San José Antimony Mines near Wadley, State of San Luis Potosí, México. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 946-E, 1946. pp 131-153 plus 6 maps in pocket. Box 40.
Willard, T. A. The City of the Sacred Well. Century, New York, 1926. 293 pp. hardbound.
Winter, Marcus. Oaxaca: The Archaeological Record. Minutiae Mexicana, Mexico, D.F., second edition 2000. 128 pp. Box 32.
Zavala Ruiz, Roberto, ed., Guia Oficial de las Grutas de Loltun, Oxkutzcab, Yucatán. Instituto Nacional de Antropología, 1978, 43 pp. Box 38.